chapter eight

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The loft was oddly filled with people, Jordan Parrish sat on the couch across from Derek Hale, Aurora Hale, Scott McCall and beside Lydia Martin. His hands were being held by Rory as his knee bounced in anticipation. 

The deputy was beyond confused; less than twelve hours ago he'd been covered in gasoline and burnt to death, except he hadn't actually died. All his clothes had burnt away and his car was definitely totalled but he was technically fine.

"He covered you in gasoline?" 

Parrish's head snapped up from his own hands at the sound of Derek's voice.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it?" Lydia asked in curiosity as she moved over to her best friend who was still analysing Parrish's hands,
"The parts of the body that are essentially dead"

"Well, they should be gone" Rory added nonchalantly before dropping Parrish's hands gently,
"And they kind of are"

"I was set on fire" Parrish exclaimed at them in exasperation,
"All of me should be gone"

"Not if you're like us" Scott told him with a shake of his head.

Derek and Rory exchanged a look, both having mirrored frowns on their faces before they looked back at Scott.

"Like you?" Parrish echoed in confusion.

"I don't think he's like us" Derek said with a shake of his head.

"Then what is he?" Lydia questioned.

"Sorry, but I have no idea" Derek apologised with a slight shrug.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira" Scott pointed out in mild frustration.

"This is a little out of my experience" Derek told them seriously,
"There might be something in the bestiary. Did you try Argent?"

"I don't know where he is" Scott shrugged.

Derek put his hand on Rory's head and turned it so she was looking at him, the girl shrugged slightly before saying,
"I don't know where he is either"

"Okay, hold on" Parrish said suddenly,
"What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question. Just tell me one thing. Are you all like Lydia? Are you all psychic?"

"Psychic?" Derek echoed with a raised eyebrow,
"Lydia's not psychic"

"You're not?" Parrish asked in confusion.

"Yeah, we only have one psychic here and it's not me" Lydia told him with a shake of her head.

"I'm not psychic" Rory argued with her best friend, narrowing her eyes at her.

"Yes, she is" Scott, Derek and Lydia all said in unison.

Rory adopted an angry glare on her face that mildly startled the deputy in front of her, not that it was directed at him, but if he were to be on the receiving end of it, he would definitely have had chills running up and a down his spine.

A huff left the brunette's nose as she conceded, although he glare never once wavered,
"Okay, a little"

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