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The hallway to the room where Taehyung's father is located at seems quiet as there are not many visitors at night time. Jungkook walks to the Room 312 bringing a plastic of food that he bought from the cafe of the hospital for Yeri. The girl has not been eating dinner yet and it worries him.

He knows she is sad for what happened to her father so he leaves to get her some food to eat. When he gets into the room, he sees Yeri to be sleeping with her head laid low on the bed just beside her father's hand. Jungkook tries to wake her up since he is worried of her not eating yet.

"Yeri? Yeri, wake up.", he says as he slowly pats her shoulder.

However, his phone suddenly ringing at that time waking Yeri up. "I bought you some food. Eat it, okay?", he says before going out to answer the call.

"Hey, hyung. You're here?", Jungkook says as he answered the call.

"3rd floor and find room number 312, hyung. I changed your appa's place here instead of the sharing ward.", he tells Taehyung.

After the call, Jungkook stays outside of the room waiting for Taehyung. He checks his phone and sees that Jieun sends him a new video a few minutes ago. Getting excited for it, he gets his earphones out and put them in to his ears.

He watches the video that starts with a person narrating at a corner before there is a scene shown at the centre. Just when the guitar starts to be heard, his shoulder is patted by someone making him quickly looked up to the person.

"Oh, hyung.", he says as he pauses the video and sees Taehyung.

"Yeri is inside, is it?", he asks.

"Yeah, I just bought food for her. Maybe you can eat with her. I bought quite a lot.", Jungkook answers him.

Taehyung asks about his father after that. "He's fine. He was awake an hour ago but now he's sleeping. I changed him to this room for you guys easier to watch him. There's a big sofa in there. You can sleep there if you want too.", Jungkook explains to him.

He sighs in relief before he hugs Jungkook dearly. "Thanks, Jungkook-ah. I don't know what to do if you're not here.", he says while sounding sad.

Jungkook hugs him back before they let go of each other. He gives a smile to Taehyung and tells him to be strong. He says that he has seen Yeri crying a lot that day and he does not want another person to cry in front of him. Taehyung chuckles at his words before thanking him again.

"No, hyung. It's okay. Go in, see your appa and Yeri.", Jungkook tells him.

When he asks if Jungkook is going to leave, the younger nods. "I have somewhere to go. But, before I forget...I have paid the hospital bill. Don't worry about it, okay?", Jungkook says before leaving.


Chaeyoung goes to the washroom after her group performance to wash her face. Her light makeup is ruined but she lets it be as her nervousness is too much for her to handle. She has not been playing music for quite a while and performing in front of more than 50 people totally makes her feel nauseous.

"Huh...I'm never going to play to a crowd anymore.", she mumbles before leaving the washroom. She is not there to use the toilet, she is just there to calm herself even though the performance is over.

When she walks out of the washroom, she bumps into a man and hits his shoulder pretty hard. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.", she says to the man in front of her. When she sees his face, she realizes that he is a foreigner. Most probably an Englishman by the way he sounds when he said it is okay.

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