Story of this lunch

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Mr. Washington as the class worked at their desks. He sighed in the relief, this was the most quiet they'd been for at least a week. He glanced over to the fourth graders side of the class, as George, one of the more popular fourth graders, took some colouring pencils specifically for the third graders. Washington grimaced, but continued to fill in some paperwork on his desk.

Meanwhile, Alexander was focused on finding what was almost his second page of writing. He only stopped scribbling yet another page of amazing ideas when he saw Lafayette with his head on his arms, looking defeated.

"What's wrong, Lafayette?' He asked. 

"Your language is so strange. How do you spell Onarachy..." he began, Hercules chuckling at the mispronunciation. "Uh, how do you say, 'anarchy'?"

"I think it's A-N,A-R,C-H-Y. Got it?"

"C-H-Y," he repeated, finishing up. "What a big word. Thank you dearly, mon ami."

"Hercules leaned over his desk, quizzically looking at what he'd written down. "I thought you were writing about France."

Lafayette shrugged, still focused on his work. "I am, mon chou, there's no need to be confused."Hercules sighed, and went back to his work. Alexander was about to refocus, when he spotted Mr.Washington walking over to the fourth graders side of the classroom! He was talking to the fourth grader's teacher! Excited, he poked Aaron and pointed to Mr.Washington.

"Look! Mr.Washington's talking to the fourth graders' teacher!"

Aaron pushed Alexander's hand off of him, and didn't bother looking up. "Talk less," he grumbled, not wanting to deal with him right now. "He's probably going to tell us. He tells us everything he says to other teachers. Now be quiet. People like you are going to wind up in trouble for talking so much."

Before Alexander could retaliate, Mr.Washington clapped his hands, signaling the attention from the class zone. Alexander and the others looked watchfully. "Class, I have a huge announcement," he said, with almost a mischievous smile, "the fourth grader's Teacher and I have decided to have a Capture the flag tournament!"

The class erupted into cheers and howls of excitement. Alexanders' eyes grew as he heard the announcement, throwing his hands up in the air. "This," he began, "This is out chance to show 'em what we've got, this is our way our-"

"Shot!" Laurens joined in, brimming with excitement. "Those red-shirts don't want it with me 'cause I will Pop-Chicka-Pop those kids 'till we're free!" He exclaimed, throwing puches into the air. "We can't throw away our shot!" He yelled, practically jumping onto Alexander, englufing him in an embrace.

"Hah!" Yelled Lafayette, jumping up from his chair. "When I play the other side panicky, with my-"

"Shot!" Exclaimed Mulligan, now grabbing Lafayette.

"Whoo!" Exclaimed Alexander, who was about to jump onto a chair, noticed Aaron, looking nervous and unenthusiastic. "Wait, what's wrong, Aaron?" he said, sinking down into a chair next to him.

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