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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was born on the 31st July 1998. Perhaps it is ironic to know he shares his birthday with Harry Potter, for I have much to thank Harry for; not least for saving the Wizarding World but also for saving my life. Without Harry, my son would be orphaned.

Scorpius came six weeks early. And my poor, beautiful Tori was not ready.

There were awful complications and house arrest meant we were unable to get Tori to St. Mungo's.

We thought we were going to lose Scorpius.

I did lose Tori.

It still upsets me, dear Reader. There are still times when I cry because I miss her so much. She and my mother were the rocks in my life when it was at its worst.

I am fortunate my mother is still here to help me and despite being such a young single parent bringing up my baby without his mother, I am blessed with my son.

I know I have much to learn.

But I know this much: I am not my father.


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