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It's was dark when I woke up, I feel like I'm still asleep but I know I am awake.

I try to feel around the floor for my bookbag, I really must have hit my head really hard when I passed out, as I kept feeling around, then when I thought all hope was lost I finally found my bookbag and pulled out my phone.

I quickly turned it on and clicked on my phone's flashlight and shined it to the desk so I could turn the desk light on.

But then just out of the blue I started having a headache, but then I realized that my hair was a different color, my hair was like a violet color, but I never EVER dye my hair.

I keep telling myself it's just a dream but it's not a dream at all, when I glanced at my hands their were gray gloves on both of my hands.

Something has to be up, I was getting suspicious but how did I end up back in this room, it was long when I felt a striking pain in my back, the pain was devastating I couldn't stop thinking about it, it bugged me for hours and hours it feels like an eternity.

But when the pain finally stopped I thought everything was going to be fine, but I was wrong, their were two long tentacle like spikes on my back, it hurt so fucking much I just wanted to scream.

Despite my shock, I picked up my phone, clicked on the camera and switched it to a selfie, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

My skin was a pale as a ghost and my eyes were black and violet, I was so shocked I dropped my phone on the bed, then I let out a scream, my scream was so loud I wasn't even bothered by it, and I knew someone would hear
me screaming, after 30 minutes of screaming the door of my room opened.

"I see your awake and alive, I thought you would be dead" the voice said surprised, I didn't clue in to who it was but I recognized that voice before.

What happened to me I asked her then she sat down beside me and told me everything I needed to know and answered my questions one at a time, "your DNA has been altered from what was done" she said concerned.

What did you do I asked angrily, "we created a prototype experiment that gives the victim long lasting life, and their are other things that are classified" she said sadly.

What the fuck am I I asked screaming, "your not the person you once were y/n, your new name is hades158 is that clear" she said, yes I replied, "good then" she replied, then she got up and walked away and the door closed behind her.

I am not human anymore I said to myself.......

I will never be human again......


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