The Girl

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In my hometown of Bridgewater, I'm always a mystery, people stare at me like i've done something or in fact killed someone....

They treat me like I'm dead, as if I don't exist, but I try to ignore their piercing stares, ever since my parents died in a plane crash I had to stay with my grandparents.

My grandmother is really overprotective, she won't even let me go outside to play with the other kids in the neighborhood.

But my grandfather on the other hand is vary abusive to me, he always sends me to my room and I never did anything wrong.

But if I touch just one of his things he grabs something that was near him and starts physically hurting me, he hurt me so much I still have that really bad scar on my face from when he threw a big
peice of broken glass at me, and called me a disgrace.

Even though I'm an innocent 13 year old girl and I may have lied a few times in the past, people think I'm hiding something, like a secret or a curse or a murder.

If this is how I'm going to live for the rest of my life, I'm not going to let the people who treated me suspiciously and hurt me like a punching bag, they would think TWICE, because I have a runaway plan.

But that night, when my grandparents went to sleep, I quickly got dressed in my favorite black George pants, black roots shirt, and my black George sweater, grabbed a bookbag and put all the clothes I need in it.

And I did grab my wallet out of my purse and put it in the bookbag to, at least I have $1,000,000,000,000,000 in it, that should last a while for me to get food while I'm on the runaway.

But before I went out of my bedroom window I grabbed my magic Egyptian ank necklace, the eye of horus bracelet, and my special watch that my great grandmother gave me a long time ago, and I even grabbed my sunglasses, just in case.

Technically, my grandparents never knew I am half vampire.

When I got to my bedroom window, I pushed the curtains away and opened the window the whole way, and jumped down and ran into the woods.

But as I glanced back the house, I used my great grandmother's watch to keep my so-called-grandparents in a time barrier, keeping them trapped inside.

See you in 27 years MotherFuckers I said yelling at the top of my lungs like I was some kind of demon and ran into the woods, mad and full of rage and hatred for them.

But when I used the time barrier on my grandparents, I didn't realize what consequences will come, for my demons were close at hand, closer than ever before.

I feel like a real crazy person when I did what I did, I felt like Jinkx Juvenile or Shadow, the two characters I created on Gasha Studio and Gasha Life, two of my favorite games on my Samsung

Even if it was a genius idea, it was a crazy one, as I walk through the wilderness somehow it felt like back at home, I was even a beyblade fan, and their was a guy in Beyblade Burst Turbo that I loved so much.

His name was hyde, his beyblade Dread Hades was the best beyblade their is until it was destroyed by his own brother Phi.

When dread hades was finally out in the stores I got it, up to this day, this beyblade is the only thing I have to remember him by.

As I walk through the endless darkness of the woods I still remember all the good times I had with my parents, before I could thing of anything else, I saw a light within the cold darkness.

I quickly ran to see what that light was and to my surprise, it looked like an association for people who were treated differently, as I got closer I read the name, it sounded familiar though.

The name of this place was Oscorpe, I didn't know this place even existed until now, as I stared at the name I heard the sound of a door open.

I looked away from the name and saw that the door was opened, but there was a person in a lab coat standing at the door.

"Oh, you must be y/n" she asked suspiciously, yes I am I replied, "then come in, were doing an experiment and we need a test subject" she said with a concerned look, I hesitated for a second but their was no way I was going to pass up an offer like this.

I walked to the person and said yes, "good let's get you into some different clothes" she said and took me in and the doors closed behind us......


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