How to catch an opp

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Diamond's POV
"What do you mean they are back" I said on the phone to Miya on the way back home. "They just came to my house they said they was gonna take us both for questioning"she said panicking. "Okay calm down I'm going home right now imma ask Jordan if anyone has been round" I said. "They are different this time they seem more serious and they seem like they have more evidence" she said. "It's okay just make sure you have a lawyer for the questioning both of you cause you never know how they will flip shit" I said as I parked into my garage. I hang up the phone and ran into the house. "Jordan!" I called as I locked the front door. "JORDAN" I shouted louder. I ran into the game room and he was just sitting there playing 2k. "Did you not fucking hear me calling you" I said standing in front of the tv. "Sorry mom" he said. "Your not funny this is serious" I said walking towards the window and looking out of it then closing the blinds. "What's up with you" he said still playing the game. "The investigation is back on the detectives were just at Cey and Miya's" I said. He paused for a second then continued playing the game. "Hello my lips are moving so I think I'm talking" I yelled. "Yo just chill alright ain't nothing gonna happen" he said. I walked over to the tv and turning it off. "Listen to me nigga they are taking them both for questioning so this shit ain't something to joke with". He sat in silence for a moment then got up, put his hoodie on and left without saying anything. I sighed and looked at my phone.
When do you want to come over

Tomorrow round lunch send me the addy
Delivered 2.45pm

Jasmine's POV
I was walking past Jordan's house when I saw him walking out in a rush. "Hey stranger" I said. He looked up confused when he saw me. "What are you doing here" he asked whilst he took out the keys to his car. "I was just visiting a friend I completely forgot you lived round here" I lied. "Ight cool" he said and unlocked his car. I quickly rushed towards him. "What happened you ain't called me in a while" I said. "I been busy why does it matter" he said. "Cause you were like my bestfriend and I missed you" I said walking closer toward him. "I'll hit you up later maybe another day" he said then got into his car and drove away. I watched the car as it left and got out my phone. "This bitch think she can be nice to him again and he will leave me fuck all that" I said to myself the took pictures of the house and left.
Jordan's POV
"Yeah she was trippin" I said as I smoked a blunt. "So was Miya man what are we finna do" Cey said in the passenger seat of my car. We was parked outside the warehouse watching people work. "There's not much we can do at this point but to protect ourselves and them" I said "best way to protect them is not to tell them anything that way when they get questioned they don't need to lie cause they won't know anything" I added. "That's true but you know how they are, last time they did a whole investigation to find out what happened they ain't just gonna sit back and let us handle it" Cey replied. "I know so we just got to keep them occupied and thinking about other shit" I said. One of my dealers approached my car and tapped on my window. I rolled it down and looked at him. "Yo we got a problem" he said. "What's up" I said. "Since the other day when we got robbed someone hasn't been working" he said. "Who" I asked sitting up. "KC the nigga that deals in the hills" he said. "Well where is he at" I asked. " I don't know I try hit him up a couple times but he ain't answer so I pulled up to his crib and all his shit was gone his neighbours said he moved out" he replied. I looked over at Cey and could tell he was thinking the same thing as me. "Send me his addy real quick" I said and he got out his phone and texted it to me. "Thanks" I said then did my handshake with him and closed the window.

We pulled up to this apartment and got out the car. We went inside and got to his door number the door was left open so we went inside. There was still some shit there it looked like the was in a rush and just took the essentials. "Isn't it funny how this nigga left just after I shot up the bug" he said. "Yep I'm telling you something fishy going on with this nigga and imma find out" I replied. I walked into his room and started looking around. Under his bed was a $100 bill. "Yo Cey come here real quick" I said. "You see this right here" I said when he came into the room. "The floor is dusty but right here it ain't and that's the shape of a box and here is a $100. "So what you tryna say" he said. "It was a box full of money stupid" I said. "So what he's a dealer who lives in a shitty apartment with no safe of course his stupid ass would hide money under the bed" he said. "Yeah or it's not from us. Maybe he got paid to turn on us with that other nigga then when he got shot he got scared and left"I said. "See you I smart nigga for that no cap but umm how we gon find him to find out if that's true" he said. "Well a real opp would take advantage of this opportunity he has someone that's inside and that hasn't been caught so he'll probably get him to do something else and that's when we will catch him trust me he'll be back" I said.
To be continued...

Princess THUG 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon