Chapitre Deux

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Point of View~ Lorelli Holmes

As my parents sunbathed on the shore of the French Riviera, I played with Liam on the sand. I made sand castle with Liam. Well, if you could call a pile of sand a castle, that is. Cousin Chris was surfing with Amelie. Once they were done, they walked towards my parents and took the spot next to them. Liam ran towards his parents and sat with them. This was weird. It didn't feel right. Cousin Chris did not know how to surf. Liam's parents were more of an adventure seekers than a beach side sun bathers. Everything felt so off. Everything felt so out of place.

I shook everything off my mind and ran to my mother. She took out the sandwiches she made for us. It had bacon in it, I was allergic to bacon. Confusion overtook me. My mother never does this. She is always so concerned about my health, she would never do such thing to sabotage my health.

"Mumma?" I called her.

"Yes, darling?" My mother cooed back.

"This has bacon in it. I am allergic to bacon." I said.

She gave me one of her warmest smile and said, "Oh silly, you'll be fine! After all, this just a dream!" She laughed it off.

All of a sudden, everything around me turned dark.

Time around me felt almost as if it froze. I was able to hear my own heart beat. The breathes were getting harder and harder.

I heard thunder far away. A storm was coming. I needed to get everyone to safety.

"Mumma, papa, look, we need to find shelter! A thunder storm is coming!" I yelled. It was too loud for them to hear me.

I looked around, in a blink, everyone was gone. It was just the three of us on the beach.

My parents continued to sit there and enjoy whatever they were doing. Were they crazy? There was a thunderstorm coming, yet they sat there like it was the sunniest day they had ever seen.

"We need to leave! it's not safe!" I screamed hoping they hear me.

"You need to leave. We are where we are supposed to be, Elli." My father spoke for the first time.

He was insane, what he said did not make any sense.

"What are you saying? You'll get hurt. God, we need to get to safety!" I cried, louder hoping that this will be enough to persuade him.

"We aren't alive, Elli. We can't be hurt." They said in sync, eerily smiling.

"What? You both are here, well and very much alive! We need to leave!" I screamed.

The weather was getting worse. I saw a tornado approaching from afar. If we didn't take shelter, the after math would be terrible. Everywhere around me was getting darker, and there was no one at sight. Liam and his family were gone, so were Cousin Chris and Amelie.

"Please?" I begged them. I begged them to come with me. I begged them to be safe. They didn't listen though.

"Bye." They said together before they vanished, leaving me alone and terrified on the beach.

"Mumma!" I screamed as I fell backwards into an abyss of nothing.

I was panting. I was not on the beach. There was no bad weather.

All I saw was the Devil staring at me intently, muse in his eyes, closely studying me.

I woke up from my nightmare. 

Or I just started my nightmare.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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