Chapitre Un

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Point of View~ Lorelli Holmes

Year: 1984

Location: Somewhere in UK

I walked on the pavement, skipping, if you may. It was a happy day. I finally finished my Year 11. Now, it was time for my summer! I could not wait to spend it with my grandmum and grand'a. The best things about summer was the family get together, and the precious, magical and absolutely insane cousins.

Excitement was coursing through my vein like a drug, I was unable to contain my content. Family brought absolute happiness. The kind of happiness that kept the love alive; the kind of happiness that kept the soul alive; the kind of happiness that kept everyone together. It was whimsical, something worth dying for.

My house was built like that of a Victorian Era castle. Big enough to house about sixty to seventy people with ease and comfort. Though, technically speaking, the house was too big during most of the year, but during summer, it filled up like crazy. All my uncles, aunts, cousins and some of my father's business associate stayed over.

I was always mesmerised when I looked at my house, the intricate designs, the modulation, the geometry, the hard work and every other tiny detail I could ever think of, all put together to perfection to make something I called home.

As I walked closer to my mansion like home, I saw a lot cars parked in the driveway.

I walked around the cars--not to mention, they were the most expensive Rolls Royce now in the market--to face the garden. On my way, I waved at the workers in the garden, who were working hard to make the place even more beautiful.

There were people in the drive way as well. Some were sitting inside the cars while others were leaning on the car and having a conversation with each other. These men looked dangerous, dressed in full black, all of them looked very rugged and intimidating, some were covered in tattoos, and most of them had scars scattered here and there.

I accidentally made eye contact with a man, and he glared at me while his companion gave me a very lustful look. I quickly averted my eyes and look down. I walked straight towards the main entrance of my home without sparing another glance at the notorious looking men.

My entire family was present at this mansion at the moment. Usually, during the school year, it was my father, mother, one of my father's brother and his family of six, one of my mother's sister and her family of five. Now that it was summer, my six uncles and four aunts from both my mother and father's side along with their children were here. Our house was the hot-spot for a get together. My grandparents travel all the way from Scotland every year to spend time with us. Also, not to forget, all the pets my cousins brought with them.

Last year, one of my nineteen year old cousin, Gerald, brought his pet, a baby tarantula named Rockstar, and my eleven year old cousin, Laura, brought her fully grown bullfrog, Lilly. To paraphrase the entire event that followed, Lilly ate Rockstar. A huge fight, if you can call it that, broke between my tiny eleven year old cousin and hulk-like nineteen year old cousin. Of course, Laura won due to her high pitched scream-slash-cry. End result was a sulking nineteen year old, next to a giddy eleven year old and a gigantic bullfrog. Some other honorable mentions are Egg Salad, the iguana; Roxie, the hamster; Ceaser, the chihuahua; Jeffery IV, the goldfish, and Cookie, the great Dane.

As I walked in, I saw my cousins of age twelve and below running around here and there playing with each other. Thirteen and above were usually found in the top most floor, where we call the war-room. That was where us adolescents spend most of our time. It was a pretty big room, decorated and designed the way we wanted.

One of the helper in the house offered to put away my backpack and other things I carried to my room. After I gave my things to her, I walked further into my home, and I saw my cousin, Christoff sauntering down the stairs with his fiancé. Christoff was the heir to my father's business after my father retired. He was the oldest of us cousins and the most responsible, mature, kind and diligent one as well.

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