Chapter 4

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Zelda sighed as she made her way to the kitchen, Mary following closely behind her.
"Tea", she asked, way too tired to argue about the other woman's reasons to be here.
"Please", Mary answered.

No sassy comment. Not even about her only wearing a robe. She just took the cup of tea from the other woman and seated herself at the kitchen counter in silence. Zelda leaned against the shelf behind her. They remained like that.

"So are we going to speak?" Zelda looked up from her tea she had been staring in for the past couple of minutes. "What was that?"
"What was what", Mary asked with dull eyes.
"The way you looked at me." She paused. "The way we didn't move."

She didn't know what she was feeling. The presence of the brunette witch made her vulnerable. When she looked at Mary, she knew that it was mutual. There was something that drew her towards her but at the same time she just wanted to break free and leave the room. Leave the air that seemed to get thicker and thicker, to finally breathe again. Zelda didn't know why the woman came back. She shouldn't have, but now that she was sitting in front of her, Zelda remembered all the times she had crossed her mind in the past couple of weeks. She had always pushed them aside; she hated the woman after all. Yes. She hated her. Why didn't she remember that until now? Her body tensed and she balled her fists.

Mary didn't notice Zelda's sudden change of body language.
"I know what you are about to do", she said, raising her head. "Don't. He is going to hurt you."
"Oh and why would you care", Zelda snapped.
The other witch looked at her in surprise.
"And also, you're wrong. Faustus would never hurt me. He loves me", she stated.
Mary raised an eyebrow at her. "You know that that isn't true."
She indeed knew that it wasn't. But how did Mary?
"I know what you desire, Zelda Spellman, and it's not a man", she said, lifting her delicate body from the chair she was sitting on. "It's power."

Zelda shivered at the sound of her words. She watched the other woman getting closer and closer. She pressed her body against the shelf. There she was, pinned in between a kitchen shelf and a woman she barely knew.
Mary leaned in towards her and whispered seductively in her ear:" I can help you to accomplish your desires, love."

Before she could seize a clear thought, she turned her head in the other woman's direction. Ere she knew it or possibly could control it, she crashed her lips against Mary's. The surprised brunette passionately kissed back after a moment of complete astonishment and moved her body even closer to Zelda's, pressing her even tighter to the shelf. Zelda felt a tongue licking over her lips, begging for entrance and, as she let out a small moan, that tongue got exactly what it wanted. The stale taste of Scotch and cigarettes mixed as their tongues battled for dominance. Zelda felt a rush of adrenalin going through her veins. It was overwhelming. Abruptly, she escaped the other witches' touch.

"Satan in hell, what am I doing?"
"Zelda, it's- ", Mary started but Zelda immediately cut her off.
"No. It's not okay. It's inadequate! I need to go. I have things to take care of. And you... should leave", she stated, catching one last glimpse of Mary before turning around and strutting out of the room like nothing has ever happened.

Zelda leaned against the wall after leaving the kitchen. What had she done? She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly through her mouth. When she closed her eyes, she could still feel Mary's soft touch on her swollen lips. I can't, she thought while making her way upstairs, her legs shaking.

I just can't.


This damn woman! She had tried, she really had but Zelda wouldn't listen. She would marry him anyway and there was nothing Lilith could do about it. She wondered what has gotten into the ginger lately. It was Zelda who had kissed her. She just realized that now. She hadn't been the one to do it. Hadn't been the one to close the distance between their mouths completely.
Maybe she was right. Maybe it was inadequate. She should concentrate on the girl, not her aunt. She asked herself why she had ever shown interest in her in the first place. There was nothing interesting about Zelda Spellman, really.


I can't. I just can't marry him.

It wasn't because of her but she was right. He didn't love her. And he would never treat her like he did.

Zelda's steps echoed back from the plain walls of the academy. A cold shiver went down her spine as she noticed for the first time how empty it actually was. Empty. Dark. Cold.
In her fragile hands, she held the small box that contained the two rings. She would have to face him.

"My love", Faustus said as she entered the office. "What a pleasant surprise to see you, dear."
He stood up from his chair and gestured for her to take the seat across from him.
"I'm just here for a rather short visit", the witch said while walking towards the man. She placed the box on the desk in front of him. Her heart started beating faster. How would he react?
The warlock's eyes stayed glued on it for a moment before he lifted his head and looked at her.
"You have decided, I assume." His eyes burned with triumph.
"I have", she stated. "And Faustus...", she paused. "I can't marry you."
Zelda watched as his face froze.
"You won't", he slowly said in a cold voice...

Author's note:
Omg please don't kill me because I'm ending this chaper like this!!! I actually have a lot more I could already publish but I've decided to trigger y'all :) Again... Don't hate meee 🤧❤

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