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my bambino 🥴

my bambino 🥴
did you get my message?

my boo 🥰
no. what message?

my bambino 🥴
are you lying
i texted you

my boo 🥰
well i didn't get it, sorry

my boo 🥰
it might've been my service or

my boo 🥰
what was it about?

my bambino 🥴

my bambino 🥴
don't worry about it 🙂

my bambino
it's not like i pour my
heart and soul out lol

my boo 🥰


Salem frowned, confused by Charli's sudden shift in mood through their text. Salem didn't have to be face to face with Charli to know when something wrong, and she wanted to ask. To just text her or call her and ask her what was wrong, and what could she do to fix it, but she couldn't. Her and Charli were barely on speaking terms, and neither of them had tried nor knew how to fix that.

"Hey are you listening?" Lilith asked, snapping her fingers in Salem's face to draw her attention away from her phone. "What's up? Who you texting?"

"Nothings up," Salem dismissed it, grabbing a grape out of the bowl of fruit Lilith's mom had fixed for the both of them. Salem and Lilith were in Lilith's room, they were supposed to be watching a movie, but Salem had ended up on her phone and Lilith had started ranting about something to do with modeling.

"Speaking of texts, did I get a text from Charli the other day? She's asking about it."

Lilith froze, but then ate a piece of fruit. "Um, yeah, you did. I forgot to tell you."

"I asked you yesterday and you told me no," Salem said, staring at the blonde. "What the hell Lils? Where's the text?"

"I deleted it," Lilith admitted. "I'm sorry."

Salem stood you angrily, "You deleted it? Are you insane? You can't just do stuff like that, you shouldn't have done that at all."

Lilith stood up too, pausing the movie that had been long forgotten. "Salem, chill. It's not that serious all right."

"Not that serious? What did the message even say?"

"I don't know," Lilith lied. "It's not that serious, Salem please."

"Not that serious? It's serious to me. Charli's important to me."

"Yeah, you make that very obvious," Lilith croaked out, Salem didn't realize Lilith had started to cry.

"Lils I-"

"It's just that I'm scared, Salem," Lilith cried, her mascara beginning to fall down her face and tears coming down her eyes. "Charli's beautiful, talented, and funny and everyone always telling me about how perfect you two would've been, and how I don't deserve you. God, all I hear is how you and Charli should be together."

Salem started to feel bad. She remembered when Lilith would get like this when they used to be together and Salem would always end up feeling bad and guilty for the littlest thing.

"It hurts Sal, you have no idea how much it hurts. I don't know what happened between you two but I don't want to have to compete with Charli. Not for you. Not for anything. So please, don't be mad at me," Lilith cried, she embraced Salem in a hug and began to cry into her shoulder. "Are you mad at me?"

Salem rubbed her back, guilt eating her up inside. Did she really make Lilith feel like this? She didn't mean to.

"I'm not mad Lils. Okay, I'm not. Just don't do it again, please."

Lilith simply placed her head on Salem's shoulder, her tears already dried as she stared blankly.

authors note,
lilith: 😢
on another note, idk
when or how i'm gonna end
this but i have a dixie fic planned
i think for the next in the series so
look forward to that

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