April 15, 2019 7:15 AM

8 1 0

          Dear Diary,
                   Hi! My name is Charlee Sheilder, I am 11 years old My birthday is in 2 days! I am so excited! I would never say this to my dad he would get so mad! but he has been very rude lately and I don't know how to stop it, he has been taking drugs, and it scares me.
Oh! Ya my brother Jake, he is really nice he is the best brother any sister can ask for! I really miss him he went on a trip for a few weeks and he is coming back on my birthday! He said that he has a big surprise for me, anyway My mom Is in England and she said that she wouldn't be home for my birthday and that makes me really sad.
Oh no school starts today! I am so scared, because well its my first day in sixth grade! Wow! This is going to be a rough day I am super scared. Ok wish me luck!

I Will Always Hear HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang