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▪still brookes POV▪
I woke up with my head in Jacksons chest and him rubbing my back. I looked up at him
Jackson: good morning princess
Me: morning handsome
I said muffled into his chest and he laughed so I shot my head up
Me: what's so funny?
Jackson: nothing hun
I pouted
Jackson: ok- its how cute u are when u wake up
Me: how tf is that funny?
He shrugged still rubbing my back
Jackson: what u wanna do today?
Me: idfkkk
Jackson: I never heard of that before-
Me: oh shush
I tried to get up
Jackson: hey where u Going?
Me: getting my phone
Jackson: oh OK
He let me go and I saw it was 5:30 am
Me: its 5:30-
Jackson: no wonder its so dark out
Me: wait... It's monday we have school ughhh
Jackson: ughhh
He got up
Jackson: u go take a shower first
I nodded, grabbed my clothes:

and went to take a shower I got out and brushed my teeth and hair and went out to get my makeup Jackson: I need to take a shower u can do ur makeup that u don't need while I'm in there if u wantI nodded

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and went to take a shower I got out and brushed my teeth and hair and went out to get my makeup
Jackson: I need to take a shower u can do ur makeup that u don't need while I'm in there if u want
I nodded. He went into the bathroom and I waited a few mins. I went in and started to do my makeup:

 I went in and started to do my makeup:

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I put my things into my bag and he came out

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I put my things into my bag and he came out. He had black pants on and a black short sleeved shirt
Me: we do be matching doe
I did the "we irritated" thing (is that what its called? Where u put  ur hand over ur face? 🤣)
Jackson: I may or may not have done this I purpose
We laughed and I didn't usually bring a bag, and my binder is in my locker same with Jackson so we grabbed our phones, he grabbed a sweatshirt and we left to his car. We went to Dunkin Donuts first than school. We met up with 'the group'
Me: we really need a name instead of 'the group'
Nessa: fax
Ashley: ya... Uhm how about....
Josh: the rats
Me: uh...
Ashley: we need something cooler plus brooke and i were in a friend group called the rats in middle school
Me: ya
Jackson: OK what about... Colony of weirdos or blast?
Me: maybe- I like colony of weirdos cuz that screams us when we are all hanging out together
Everyone else: yess
The bell rang so we said bye to each other and I kissed jackson than payton and I went to our first period. We sat across the isle from each other and this new kid sat next to me. halfway through the class this kid put his hand on my thigh so I whisper yelled at him
Me: idk who the hell u are but I have a boyfriend
?: well I'm cash, ur next boyfriend
Me: I think tf not
I pushed his hand off but he put it back. I was getting really uncomfortable so I asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher said yes so I ran out and ran into someone
Me: i- I'm sorry i-
I looked up and saw jackson
Me: Jackson!
I hugged him and cried into his chest
Jackson: hey baby... What's wrong?
He rubbed my back
Me: there th-this guy in my c-class whos new and s-sits next to me a-nd he put his hand on m-my thigh. I tried to get his ha-hand off but he wouldn't so I asked t-to go to the bathroom c-cuz I didnt w-want people to think I w-was cheating and I felt r-really uncomfortable
Jackson: baby
He brought me into a hug again and hugged me tightly rubbing my back
▫paytons pov▫
Its been a while since brooke has been gone so I raised my hand
Me: can I do to the restroom?
Teacher: not till brooke is back u know that
Me: I really need to go
I looked at the new kid and he was smirking and whispered to me
?: or is it cause u wanna go to ur girlfriend?
Me: we arent dating
?: oh so she lied when she said she had a boyfriend?
Me: what? No she does have one, they've been together for 4 years
?: they won't be together for long
Me: listen here, u are not breaking them up! Her and her boyfriend are not gonna break up, and she wouldnt choose u over her boyfriend
?: OK but she might choose my friend over him... Just u wait
Me: whatever, I'll make sure nothing happens
Teacher: mr. Moormeier and baker stop talking. Moormeier u can go to the restroom
I got up and ran to find brooke. I found Jackson hugging her and she was crying. I ran up to them
Me: jackson i have to tell u something
Jackson: can u tell me at lunch?
I nodded
Jackson: thank you... Can u stay with her here for while before you guys go to class? I gtg
Me: ya...
He put his hands on her shoulders and they pulled away, he got down to her height and put his hand on her cheek
Jackson: I'll see u at lunch, Payton is gonna comfort you k?
She nodded
Jackson: love you baby girl
Brooke: l-love you
And he left. She went to the wall and sat against it crying with her arms on her legs and her arms and her head laying in her arms (idk how to explain it). I went next to her and hugged her, she immediately hugged back tightly crying into my chest
Me: hey... If anything happens I'm in all ur classes and we have jackson in 2 periods
She looked at me
Brooke: wait... Do u think he's in all out classes?
Me: I mean u never know... I hope not and i know if jackson sees what happens he'll be pissed
She slightly nodded
Brooke: is it just me or did he seem rushed to get back?
Me: well he did have to get to class
Brooke: well ya... But he never cares if he's not in class
She was right... He never cares if he skips or is late but now it's a big deal that he's in class...
Me: maybe his teacher is a bitch?
Usually when someone says something like that she always laughs but this time she didn't...
Brooke: no... Shes the nicest teacher I know
Me: maybe its a sub today?
Brooke: ya... I'm just over reacting
I hugged her
Me: how about u get cleaned up, and we tell the teacher cuz class is almost over
She nodded and I got up and helped her up. She went to the bathroom and came out
Me: ready?
She nodded and I linked our arms together and we went to class and when we opened the door the bell rung so everyone left and when the new kid went out he smiled at brooke and gave me a dirty look making sure he bumped into me. I looked at him acting like nothing happened and got snapped back when brooke was talking to me. She grabbed my face, turning it to look at her
Brooke: hey... Ignore him
I rolled my eyes and looked away but she brought my face to look at her again
Brooke: for me...?
I sighed and nodded
Brooke: thank you
She slightly smiled and I smiled back. We went into the classroom and the teacher looked at us with disappointment
Teacher: oh now u guys come back, Hope y'all enjoyed your make out
Brookes eyes widened and she looked at me with her jaw slightly dropped
Me: we weren't thank you, she had something going on with the new kid going on and she felt uncomfortable
Teacher: and what was that?
Brooke: uhm well..
She looked at me and I nodded so I explained what happened... In class ofc
Teacher: OK... I'll move u next to payton ig now get outta my hair
Brooke laughed and we left. When we got outside the class she hugged me
Me: what was that for?
Brooke: just a little thank you
I smiled
Me: anytime
We went to lunch and went to our table but didnt see jackson
Brooke: hey guys... Where's jackson..?
He voice cracked a little and everyone one shrugged. Her breathing got heavy and she walked off trying to find him and i ofc went with her. We were facing the popular girl table and brooke stopped. I looked and saw him with a girl on his lap and he was laughing. He looked at us and she ran, his face dropped and I shook my head at him and ran after her. I got to her and hugged her
Brooke: ofc it was right after our anniversary... What if y-yesterday his feelings weren't r-real?
Me: brooke-
Brooke: n-no im never good enough for anyone, he KNEW what my ex did and how broken I was and h-he...
She stopped and before I knew it she was passed out. I got my phone and called griffin. He said he would be there soon so I picked her up and took her to the office with her still in my arms. He got there and ran in
Griffin: what happened?!
Me: jackson...
Griffin: that fu-
Is he for real?
Griffin: what did u do
He said to Jackson
Jackson: wtf u me-
I gave him a death stare
Jackson: OK? theyre my friends, I dont get mad at her for having guy friends whys it a big deal??
Me: so ur telling me that girl on ur lap was a friend?
Griffin: WHAT?
Jackson: ya she was, there wasnt anymore room at the table
Griffin: wanna know something?
Jackson: what?
He said coldly
Griffin: yesterday she RUSHED me out the door to get u something and the thing she made u, she was stressing so much on if you'd like it or not and here u are basically CHEATING AFTER UR GIYS 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY
Jackson: i-
An girl came in
?: babe u OK?
My mouth dropped open
?: we who's she? She's ugly and shes not even awake
Jackson: shes even uglier when she's awake
Griffin: u jackass..
Payton: I cant fucking believe u RN
He rolled his eyes and left with that high pitched voiced bitch
Griffin: I'll sign her out, take her to the car pls
I nodded and he gave me the keys. I sat her in the back and next to her
~jacksons pov after school~
I took Lizzie to my house and Greyson came running in
Greyson: BRO-
He stopped
Greyson: whos this?
Me: my girlfriend
Greyson: wait.. I recall brooke being over and u guys dating
Me: well not anymore
And I took her to my room
Lizzie: babe who's brooke and who's bag is this
Me: brooke is the ugly ass girl u saw in the office and shit... That's her bag
She went to it
Lizzie: this outfit is cute! I'm keeping it
Me: u do that, she has enough clothes anyway
▪brookes pov▪
I woke up in my bed and saw payton on his phone. What happened at school came rushing to me and I sniffled. Payton looked at me
Payton: u OK?
Me: ya... What could be worse? Theyre probably just friends
He looked at me with sadness
Me: no- ur kidding u have to be
I grabbed my phone and texted him
Is payton pranking me or did u really cheat?

Ya... Your point?

U knew how hurt I was after my ex... If she hurts u don't come to 🖕🏻

*brooke changed jax😌🤞🏻 to cheater🖕🏻*

Ya OK dating u was a mistake, I should've broken up with u years ago

That broke me... I started to cry and Payton came to me and hugged me
Me: should I throw away his clothes?
Payton: mmm nah, I say we burn them
I laughed a little
Me: bet
I got up and grabbed all the sweatshirts and shirts of his I had.
Payton: damn that's a lot... Ready?
I nodded. We went downstairs and payton grabbed the lighter and we headed to the door
Griffin: woah what u doing?
Me: burning jacks clothes...
Griffin: oh OK go ahead
We all laughed and payton and i went to the park. We started and we got to the last thing... A sweatshirt
Me: i-i can't
I broke down again
Me: this ones my favorite
Payton laughed a little
Payton: u can keep that one
I smelt it
Me: it still smells like himmm
I cried harder saying him
Payton: how about we wash it and spray it with ur perfume so u still can have it without thinking about him more than u will?
I nodded and we went to mine, did that and cuddled cuz it was late and I didnt wanna be alone...

Did y'all expect that? Tbh I wasnt gonna do that but it came to my mind and I was like... Let's do it so ya teehee, also im surprised I did another long chapter- ive been writing this for like 2 almost 3 hrs lol and sorry for messups I never preread before posting and probably never will so don't come at me pls😂✌🏻

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