Part 4

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"Kyungsoo-yah, I can't believe that just happened!" Baekhyun struggled for air, his body convulsing with cackles. They were sitting in his car, still in the parking lot. His friend hit the steering wheel in front of him with his fists, shoulders shaking uncontrollably. Kyungsoo really wanted to get out of there.

"Baekhyun, if you're not gonna drive me back home I'll just go and take an Uber."

"Okay, okay, gosh, Soo! Lighten up!"

Baekhyun started the engine and Kyungsoo turned to the window. He leaned his head on his palm as the scenery began to move past. He could see a few fans still hanging around the area, gripping onto posters, lightsticks, and other merchandise.

"Say, Baek, do you have any of Yixing's merch?"
His friend nodded, eyes still on the road. "What, do you want some?"

Kyungsoo snorted, but hid his blush behind his hand. "No, I was just wondering."

He'd need to purchase some of Lay's merchandise later.


"Bye, Kyungsoo! Let's go to another of Lay's concerts later, yeah?" Baekhyun called from his car and Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. He waved off his friend, watching the car drive away. He silently ascended the steps to his apartment.

Wow, the day had been something.

Kyungsoo sighed, and pulled his phone from his pocket. Already, he could see a flood of texts from Chanyeol and Sehun, freaking out over the fact that Baek and himself had gone to one of Lay's concerts without them. Kyungsoo gave props to Baekhyun for his speed- the older had probably already sent his friends the concert pictures.

As he scrolled through Baekhyun's shots of Yixing on the group chat, a distracted Kyungsoo tripped over a step. Fuck.


Later that night, Kyungsoo was laying on his bed, watching some of Baekhyun's concert clips he'd sent on the chat. His favorite was and would always be Yixing's cover of Can't help falling in love. As he was nearing the end of the video the shot soon swiveled from the stage to--himself? That sneaky Baekhyunnie.

The video showed a calm Kyungsoo, a slight smile adorning his lips. His eyes were glowing with happiness, a light blush coating his cheek. His body was leaning forward, head swaying. The Kyungsoo in the video looked so..happy.

God, the things Zhang Yixing did to him. Surely, Kyungsoo was now an entirely different man. 

Can't Help Falling in Love // laysooWhere stories live. Discover now