Part 1

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"Kyungsoo-yah!" Baekhyun called from the entryway. "I'm really starting to rethink my decision of spending that free ticket on you! I knew I should have brought Chanyeol instead..."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "I'm coming- Baekhyun, you know I don't even listen to Lay's music." He tugged on a black hoodie and pulled down the sleeves.

He could hear Baekhyun already stomping his way into his apartment. "I'll let you know that Lay is the most talented person that has ever existed. You need to become his fan. I promise you, once you listen to him, you'll never ever want to go back to your boring Mozart ever again."

Kyungsoo sighed. "Baekhyun, classical music is not boring. They're wonderfully composed, timeless pieces."

Baekhyun dragged his hand down his face, and grabbed his friend's wrist. "Okay, okay. We're leaving now."


The drive there was short, but the lines were long.

"Baek, you made it seem like Lay was just a small-town performer. How'd you even get tickets to this place?"

Baekhyun grinned smugly. "My brother is pretty acquainted with Lay's friend. See, I'm just that much amazing."

"I still don't get why you wanted to drag me here."

"Because I wanted to spite Sehun and Chanyeol! They're devoted fans of Lay's, and I'd love to see them jealous. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures during the concert to show them later."

"I really don't get what goes on in that head of yours..."

"Well you should start to appreciate me, Soo, because I got us front-row seats."

"Sure, sure..."


The pair got into their seats, and the lights in the room dimmed. The air soon became stuffy, and the fans shouting Lay's name in the back began to tick Kyungsoo off.

"God, I hope I get out of this place soon."

Baekhyun elbowed him. "Shh, don't say that, Lay's about to appear!"

Sure enough, in a few moments a single figure appeared on the stage. Fans began to cheer, with an annoying Baek squealing right next to his ear. Kyungsoo covered his ears with his hands and prayed for the noise to stop.

After the noise level in the room had decreased to a more tolerable amount, Kyungsoo leaned back more comfortably in his chair. It was hard to see the figure on the stage, as the lights were still dark.

Kyungsoo began to relax way too soon. All of a sudden the lights in the room lit up simultaneously, followed by loud, booming bass from the speakers. Kyungsoo groaned and shrinked into his seat. "So far, I really don't like this Lay person."

Baekhyun didn't notice him- he was too busy cheering along with the other fans.

Kyungsoo sighed. This was going to be a long day. 

Can't Help Falling in Love // laysooWhere stories live. Discover now