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f"So I'm gonna make this short and sweet, gimme the girl and i'll give you then antivenom OR don't and both Lucas and Marcus die, choose wisely" he smirked

I stood there frozen, what do I do? save Lucas but forfeit our love or kill both of them?

Nova immediately snatched the dagger from my belt and plunged it into Marcus' stomach, Marcus was caught off guard and slumped to the floor, the antivenom rolled out from his coat.

I quickly grabbed the bottle and put it in the loop of my belt,Arianna stood there blankly as Nova hoiked Marcus' lifeless body onto his shoulder.

I shifted and bolted out of the castle and across the field to the pack house, I threw open the door to the infirmatory and popped the cork out of the bottle and downed it down Lucas' throat.

I sat down as Nova dumped Marcus' body down on the bed next to Lucas. As I heard the bump of the body against the bed Lucas sat bolt upright "What happened!" he bellowed.

I jumped half a mile and hid in the corner "Ask Nova!" I whined. Nova leant over and whispered something in Lucas' ear, Lucas nodded and got up from the bed

"Assure that he is comfortable for the changeover" He said pulling on his sweater.

Later on that night I sat with Dominic,Lucas,Nova and Arianna in the infirmatory for no reason. I was picking at barbequed chicken wing from dinner. Arianna was sitting quietly in the corner texting her mother.

The next minute Marcus sat up wide eyed and coughing madly "Dude! Why did you stab me!" He grumbled. Arianna sat frozen in the corner with eyes as big as saucers, She shook herself and got up and walked over to Marcus

Marcus smiled at her, Arianna stared blankly at him then WHACK! she punched him square in the mouth and stormed out of the infirmatory, Marcus wiped blood from his bruised and bloodied mouth "Wh-What did I do?" he asked.

"You said you loved me" I said coughing awkwardly, Marcus gulped as Lucas lunged at him and clawed him with his now lengthened claws, His claws shortened back to nails and he too stormed out of the infirmatory, Marcus sighed and grabbed a gauze from the nearby table.

"Brilliant, just brilliant" He said dabbing the wounds with the gauze, I frowned a little and sat down on the chair near the bed. "You're in the bad books aren't you" I laughed slightly, Marcus nodded slighty and dropped the gauze in the dustbin next to the bed.

His shoulders slumped slightly as he sighed again, I touched his shoulder slightly when suddenly my vision blurred over and I could make out a figure leaning over what looked like a sink, the figure looked like Arianna!

"Yo, Will! Earth to Willow" Marcus sid waving is hand across my face, I shook my head and got up "Just make up with Arianna, Okay" I said and shut the door behind me.

*** Alroighty, my last prologue got deleted then I just changed it, Vote and Enjoy <3***

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