•chapter two•

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Walking through the halls I had one thing stuck in my mind!

Why is the stereotype that cats hate water and dogs hate mailman's in movies?

Maybe in a movie there was a dog and a cat that did something along those lines, and then it just boomed from there.

Personally my dog has never even growled at our mailman Mr. Robbins.

Maybe! One of the movie producers had a dog and he just hated mailman but what did the mailman do! I mean they just simply deliver mail, so why are they so against a poor man for doing his job!?

"Hey lady!" Jamie greets me.

Apart from my family she is the only one who calls me Lady...

"Hey Jamie! I love your green sweater." I compliment.

Jamie's short mid length black hair drapes down her face and compliments her small figure. And her olive skin make her green sweater pop.

Her outfits are unbeatable. Her style is straight from Pinterest and look amazing on her. I tried a Pinterest outfit once, but the clothes looked frumpy on me and didn't quite look right. 

"Ready for the pre-cal quiz?" She asks me with fake enthusiasm.

"For sure." I say closing my locker with a little too much force.

I apologize to my locker in my head while Jamie and I walk through the hallways shoulder to shoulder.

Today in particular the hallways are packed which mean some butthead is holding back everyone.

Turns out I was right, and the person blocking everyone is the class clown.


I take the moment to look out the windows.
My feet practically begging me to run out this building and explore outside.

"Let's ditch!" Jamie whispers in my ear.

"And go where?"

"I know some friends." She winks. "Plus I heard we have a sub, so everything is posted on google classroom. Anddddd we could take the quiz online!" She smiles at me.

"Why not." I laugh and run out the doors with her.

We make it out to the back of the school, we  turn and make our way to the football field.

I see the friends Jamie was talking about and the smell of smoke wafts in the air.

"Hey!" Jamie greets her friends.

One girl has makeup that's so beautiful I can't even imagine of doing it. It's gorgeous and beyond incredible, but my impatient self could only do one eye and then get bored.

The girl besides her has split dyed had, one side being light pink hair and the other black. The light pink is slightly fading out with her blackish/brownish roots growing out, but in a way it looks even more pretty with the roots peaking out. Her makeup is softer, and more minimalistic.

They greet her back and the girl with pretty makeup gives me an ever so slight scowl on her face as she takes me in.

"If you snitch on us-" she starts.

"She won't! She's my best friend, Lady!" She sings my name hoping they will remember what she's mentioned of me.

"Opal be nice. Come sit." The girl with pink hair says patting to an empty spot next to her and smiling.


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