41: Lost

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(2nd most awaited chapter 🤣)

Third person P.O.V

"Jk?? Jk??" Namjoon breathed out as he was continuously trying his number but he didn't answer so the poor boy had to search for him by himself.

Jungkook was just standing there with tears-filled eyes... he was looking totally spaced out. Finding the male near the balcony, Namjoon huffed in relief and shook him a bit by his shoulder, causing him to flinch in response.

"What's wrong, Jk?" Namjoon asked when he felt that something is definitely off.

"Find out.. who organized the event in this hall. Find the pianist who performed a while ago. Do it as soon as possible." Jungkook said in one breath, Namjoon was confused but he still nodded his head and left to follow the command.


"It was beautiful, Hanseol. I am very grateful for your help. Thanks a lot." Baekhyun hugged the brown-haired and the younger returned it happily.

"Now you should rest.. ok," Baekhyun lowkey ordered and Taehyung just nodded with a smile. Soon the older of the two left, leaving a bit confused Taehyung in the room. He was sitting on his bed, thinking about the feelings he got back in the hall.

Why I felt like he was there?? I felt his presence.. like he was close... so close to me.

No.. it can't be possible. He can't be here...

His heart started beating hastily when he thought about that.

"It still beats the same way when I think about you... what kind of spell is that Jungkook?" The beating heart thumped loudly when he smiled sadly, placing his hand on his chest.

"It's ok... he can't be him.. even if he is, he will never come back to me. After all he ha- hates me.." His voice broke on the words hate.


"Jin Hyung?? Why are you pacing back and forth? Seriously you are making me dizzy!" Hoseok whined watching a continuously walking Jin. Jin looked back at him with a frown on his face.

"I don't know.. he didn't call me today." The frown was gone in an instant when he pouted and Hoseok gasped at his words.

"Who?? Oh my... Namjoon??" Hoseok covered his mouth with his hand dramatically. Jackson came at the same time... hearing those words he was also surprised.

"Yeah. Don't you know? He barely contacts us but he always calls him... how rude of him." Jackson teased with a smile.

"He is not rude.." Jin scoffed and both males laughed at the very obvious male.

"Whatever... see Jackson, he can't even hear any bad word about him." Hoseok teased more and Jin was getting red with every passing second.

"Yah! You two, I am your Hyung.. give me some respect. How casually you are talking with me.." Jin huffed, trying to show anger but in fact, he was just embarrassed, the other two again laughed shamelessly. At last, Jin had to go from there because he was getting more red due to embarrassment.

"Why he is so shy... I hope Namjoon just proposes to him as soon as possible. I want to see them together and happy." Hoseok said and Jackson nodded his head, impatiently waiting for their ship to sail.


"Just wait for a moment, Sir. Mr. Byun will be here soon." Chanyeol informed Jungkook who was finally standing in the house which was actually for all orphans and a part of the charity organization.

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