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"Momiji!" Their shouts dissipated into the open air

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"Momiji!" Their shouts dissipated into the open air. Our carriage had toppled over into the ditch after a vicious collision with something invisible. I don't know what happened after that, but I felt a great pain in my stomach.

Side to side, the grass beneath my feet blurred, my legs moved as if they were a stack of unsteady books ready to collapse. Whispers made their way to my ears as my vision went black. Just when I thought I was about to hit the ground, I continued falling.

I thought I opened my eyes, but everything looked just as it did when they were closed, just Black.

As I fell through this hollow space, it felt like it was speaking to me. I couldn't understand what it was saying, but these images kept flashing through my mind before I could make out anything I finally saw something.

A hole opened up below me and sent me flying into a giant puddle of water just before I lost consciousness.

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" —————  !'' I heard a voice calling out, a boy's voice, I think. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar figure, much like the one I saw in those images earlier. "大丈夫ですか?" He questioned.

'Die joe boo' what? I sat up to look at the boy more clearly, before feeling a sharp pain in my stomach again.

"ちょと まって-" The boy stuttered, putting his hands below my head and on my chest. "あの, とら さん! " He called out before gently laying me back down.

I couldn't understand what he was saying, but this language was familiar.

Oh! It was Japanese, my cousin spoke it as well. A tall gentleman came walking in a few seconds later and sat in the boy's place. He examined me for a few moments and then took a look at my stomach.  It didn't look half as bad as it felt, luckily.  The man looked satisfied with that, but he got a troubled expression on his face seconds later. "あなたは誰?" he spoke in a questioning tone directed at me. I don't know what to do, I only know a few Japanese words but I can't understand what this man wants to know.

"g-gom-e-n... nani Japanese " I muttered to the man.

I have no idea what I said just now.

He looked at me with a surprised expression and scratched the back of his neck as he let out a chuckle. The troubled expression returned to his face, but it was 5x more intense. He let out a troubled sigh and patted me on the head, with a gentle smile, before muttering something to himself as he stood up and walked out with that intense frown on his face again.

I looked toward the boy who was sitting on the opposite side of me since he got shoved out of the way by the man earlier. He was quietly observing me the whole time with a slightly intrigued, but mostly neutral expression on his face. He had gorgeous chestnut hair and eyes that matched it perfectly. It looked so silky that a strong urge to touch it grew in me. I wonder if that would be rude. My cousin, Eliza, had touched my hair often and she was of Japanese descent, so I think it would be ok.

Finally, I couldn't hold back anymore and reached out to touch it. It was so soft but very thick, even thicker than my hair. The boy had snapped out of his observant state, and a pink streak formed across his face. "Amai. Your hair is amai." I told the boy. Amai was something that Eliza said after eating something good so I assumed it meant good.

The boy looked at me with confusion so I thought maybe he didn't understand that I was talking about his hair. I pointed to my bangs and said "Hair." I pointed to his hair and said the same thing.
"your hair is amai." He sat still and looked at me with intrigue before giggling.

He pointed to my hair and asked "Hairl?" I giggled back and nodded, I guess that was close enough. But then he reached out and ran his fingers through my hair and scrunched it a few times, which caught me by surprise, but I suppose I had no right to be startled since I did the same to him.

The way he played with my hair was gentle and comforting. Before long I found myself leaning into his touch more.  He was more kind than most of the boys I hung around at the mansion, I liked it. I began to nod off, and then I fell asleep once more.

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"よし、起きて、子供!" I heard a new voice calling out in a chipper tone. I felt something poking and prodding at my cheeks, which were red and sore from the odd floor I rolled onto in my sleep.

My eyelids were so heavy and warm like a blanket over my eyes. I didn't have the will power to part them; it just felt too good. I heard a deep sigh of defeat, and just like that my body was high up in the air and had been parted from the warm, rough ground.

After feeling my head swing back and forth, the warmth left my eyes and I was able to open them at last. It appeared I was being draped over the shoulder of a much older boy. He had a strong spring to his step, which made the situation very uncomfortable on my side.

A few moments later I heard a man shouting something, and the boy who was carrying me sat me down and ran off. I looked around at the grassy open field I was standing in. Upon deciding to take this chance to adventure, I went walking off to an interesting looking tree, next to a nearby cliff. As I got closer I could hear a boy shouting urgently, so I started running and soon saw it was the same boy who played with my hair earlier.

"Oh no."

He was dangling off the edge, just a finger away from slipping off, but there wasn't anything I could do. I was too small and weak, and there was no one in sight who I could call out to.

"Hold on!" I shouted as I broke into a panic, but then I thought of something when I saw the tree's roots. I wedged my foot under the root so I could act as a rope for the boy. It would probably hurt my wound, but there wasn't any other way.  I reached out my hand for the boy to grab, and held on tight as he grappled his way up my arm.

Once he reached the ground fully, he toppled over beside me and took a few deep breaths.

I winced in pain after feeling all of that pressure being put on my wound, and ankle. As I tried to un wedge my foot the boy looked down at me and helped me out of the root gently. He held me close and whispered "ごめんなさい." He spoke a few other words but I couldn't make them out. I tried to reach out to his back and pat him, but my stomach stung, and all I could do was grab his side.

He seemed pretty shaken up so I decided to sing him a song; one that my mother often sang to me whenever I was about to cry.

"What will we do with a drunken sailor~" I rasped out the first verse, my voice growing smoother as I moved onto the next.

I slowly lifted the boy and began to dance, breaking out into full song.
Our movements were extremely sloppy and uncoordinated, but already I was beginning to thoroughly enjoy myself far more than I had in a long while.

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My voice began to falter as we danced around and laughed. Eventually, we grew so tired we finally plopped onto the grass and giggled.

Afterward, the older boy who was carrying me came back with a few other gentlemen, one of them being the guy who checked my wound earlier. They began discussing a rather important matter from their tone, and then went silent and all nodded in agreement. The one from earlier came to me and pat my head once more and even ruffled my hair a bit this time.  He took my hand and opened up some portal, I looked back at the boy and gave him a wave. Before I turned around he shouted something at me. I could only make out "あなた," and "名前." the last word sounds like name. It's far fetched but he might be asking my name.

"Momiji," I replied.  "Anata namai?"  I spoke back in a shy tone. "Sousuke" He replied with a smile. "さようなら, Momiji."

"Sa- sayo nara, Sousuke." I turned and the man put his hands over my eyes, and then I woke up in my mother's lap on our way home.

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