Characters get kidnapped to watch videos

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The day started out normally with everyone doing what they always do that was until a bright light consumed them all.        
                                              Just before the light came Stiles was with his dad at the station bringing him healthy foods and then in a blink of an eye they were gone.

Allison and Lydia were shopping just before they were taken by the bright light.

Derek was trying not to think of Stiles while trying to train with Boyd,Isaac,Jackson and Erica before they were taken.

Scott was with his Mom before the light had taken them both.

Vince,Minho,Gally,Brenda, Jorge and Frypan were all together when they were taken.

After the light had cleared everyone dropped into a room that looked similar to a cinema judging by the massive screen and the many comfortable looking chairs.
Everyone gave each other confused looks and started scanning the room seeing who was there. Once the glades and scorchers saw stiles they all shouted "Thomas?!" In unison Stiles turned around at that wide eyed and ran over to them to give them all hugs. The pack got even more confused and Derek tries to keep the jealousy of stiles not noticing him and the rest of the pack, as well as giving all his attention to strangers. "Stiles are these the friends you told me about" says Noah the pack all felt hurt that Stiles didn't tell them about these people.before Stiles could answer his father a voice started talking "everyone clam down you are not in any danger  I will be showing you all videos about stiles and how he knows everyone in this room as well as what has been through and how he truly feels so sit down and please relax there are labels with your names on, on the seats". Stiles/Thomas started panicking at that and wanted to leave but everyone had already sat down and he knew they wouldn't leave now anyway. Sighing and grumbling he went to find his seat and when he saw he  was sitting next to Derek he started to blush he just hoped no one would notice.Everyone sat down curious about their friend,son and secret mate (no matter how much Derek ignores it)the werewolves didn't sense any danger so they all sat down in their designated seat. The voice suddenly spoke again "sorry I just forgot some people I need to bring" the light appeared again and this time 3 more people dropped in to the room. When the light cleared all the gladers/scorchers felt their jaws drop as they saw Alby,Newt and Chuck were there. Thomas/Stiles and Minho felt tears in their eyes.Minho got up and ran to them giving them all hugs Thomas/Stiles desperately wanted to do that as well but was unsure if he was allowed.When the pack saw Stiles with tears in his eyes they wanted to comfort him especially Derek,Melissa and Noah. Alby was the first to see Thomas "hey greenie don't we get a hug" this drew the attention of  Newt and Chuck. Chuck ran over to Thomas and gave him a hug "it's not your fault" he whispered already know if what he was going to say Thomas even trough he disagreed didn't say anything just hugged Chuck back. When Chuck let go Newt came over and hugged him too "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" Thomas said over and over again "it's ok I asked you to Tommy"Newt said back. Thomas gave Alby a quick hug as well as explaining what was happening. " could everyone go back to their seats the videos are about to start" the voice called again the lights went dark the the screen lit up.

I know this isn't the best but I haven't done anything like this before so bear with me while I get the hang of it but I hope you enjoy this anyway

If you want to know the seating arrangements here they are
Scott/Stiles/Derek/Boyd/Erica/Allison/Lydia/Jackson/Isaac/Gally/Brenda/Frypan/Minho/Newt/Alby/Chuck/Jorge/Vince/Noah(stiles dad)/Melissa(Scott mom

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