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Marinette POV
I then looked back to see Alya and the new girl I punched in face laughing at me. Felix told them to stop, but then came the hurtful words. Alya said " why it's not like that little piece of sh*t matters, and besides she punched my new best friend!!" Gesturing towards the new girl. Felix hugged me and said to them " you're one to talk about being a piece of sh*t, and I think Marinette is the best person in the world compared to anyone else!!!!" Suddenly another new girl showed up with black hair and red eyes. She said "stop being a b*tch Ava, and leave the poor girl alone!!" They stormed off angry. She then introduced herself. Her name was Priscilla, she told us about how Ava used to be her bully in her old school, and that she moved her to get away from Ava and have a fresh start. But Ava had just come back. I hugged her as a thanks, but also to comfort myself from Alya's betrayal. She was shocked at first, but then hugged me back comforting me.
Priscilla POV
I was walking by when all of a sudden I saw Ava push Marinette, but luckily Felix Agreste caught Marinette in his arms. I walked over there and told Ava off. Then made friends with Marinette and Felix. When I got home I couldn't wait for the great gathering where I might become a future guardian.

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