personal update

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I began this in 2017

It's 2020. I've written a couple stories that wont be on wattpad, but I've been inspired to write another story similar to this one, just for fun. It'll be a completely different world (although I do have ideas for a sequel/spinoff For this)

(Small update as I have thought about it more, I think it'll reference old characters occasionally as if it was the same world, but it'll have a whole new take on virtual reality and the science behind it.)

The new story would
- be written better (I mean I hope I've improved since 2016)
- Be gayer (I mean I've gotten gayer ngl)
- be more of a romance (I was too afraid at this point to write a real romantic arc, but I'm getting better at it)

So if you've gotten here and any of that interests you, consider checking back here now and again?

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