An Interview With ~ SupaJay

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1.     Whats your name? James W

2.     What is your username? SupaJay

3.     What country are you from? USA

4.     How old are you? 19

5.     How long have you been a member of Wattpad?since august 31 

6.     How many fans you got?32 fans

7.     who's your favorite authors?  K.A. Applegate, RL Stine, Dan Millman, and some others

8.     Have they influenced your writing? I really don't know..

9.     Why did you start writing? -  It was something new, so I just played around with it.

10.  How do feel when you write? -It sorta feels like when I’m breathing, it flows out of me.

11.  what do you want your work to say to the reader? -I want it to make the reader smile, or not or even inspire depending on the mood. 

12.  what do you want your readers, to think of us as? - a Superhero saving people from normality lol jk hmm...friendly neighbor I guess

Q1. When did you start writing, what age? 16 or 15 (poetry) 13/14 (fanfics)

Q2. What is your genre?  Poetry, fanficions, and action/adventure...this is what im familar with

Q3. Do you read and write?  Yes, im open to reading just about anything. I writing alot of poetry and I have written a some storys.

Q4. What got you into writing? I first started writing as a way express my fandom...As for poetry, early on in high school, after I was introduced to it in LA(language arts or English class)  I sorta just happened after I first knew about it.

Q5. What is your piece of work your most happy with?  Sorry but I have ALOT of works i'm very happy with.

Q6. Do you wish to publish?  Someday...I do have some ideas I would like to get published.

Q7. What are your goals? My goal is to keep improving and go beyond my limits.

Q8. What is one comment your happy with you’ve received on your work?  There's so much to choose...I honestly can't choose.

Q9. What is one comment you're not happy with you’ve received on your work?  There was a few pretty bad comments, but the writing was almost as bad as they said looking over it now.

Q10. If you ever published would you use your real name? Or a pen name? If a pen name what would it be?

I would use a pen name, Jerome, its pretty simple to remember.

Lastly and finally,

What have you got to say to your fans & readers?

Thanks for reading my work, hoped you enjoyed reading them.  I will continue to write more better stuff.

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