The truth revealed

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Silver was beyond confused. Why is Sonic suddenly so protective over him? Silver then stood up and walked over to Sonic with concern written all over his face.

(Silver) Sonic... are you okay?

Within a second Sonic was giving Silver a bear hug as he cried into his shoulder. Silver was Beyond confused. Why is Sonic acting so differently around him? Usually Sonic gets annoyed with Silver, but now Sonic is acting like Silver is the most important thing in the universe. But why?

(Silver) Ummm... Can somebody please tell me what's going on?

(Knuckles) Well maybe if you paid attention to what Sonic said earlier you'd know.

Silver thought about it and he did remember what Sonic said but he didn't know what Sonic meant by my son. Shadow then sighed as he told Silver to follow him. Silver did as he was told and followed Shadow, using his telekinesis to fly in the direction Shadow was going sense Sonic refused to let go.

~~~{time skip}~~~

(Shadow) Sonic, why don't you go to the nursery and get our son and I'll wait here with Silver.

Shadow said as they entered their home. Sonic nodded his head before letting go and then wiped away a few tears as he walked to the nursery to get their son.

(Silver) Shadow? What's going on?

Shadow didn't say a word, he just stayed quiet knowing that sonic would be back in the room any second now. Before long Sonic was now in the living room with them holding his and Shadow's baby boy in his arms.

(Sonic) Silver... we'd like you to meet our son. A.K.A. ... Your past self.

Silver was at a loss for words. He did not know how to react. If what Sonic said was true... then... that means...

(Silver) So... that means...?

(Shadow) Yes Silver... we're your parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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