Chapter 1- Freak

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~Felix's pov~

Hi, I'm Felix but I'm more commonly known as 'the freak' although that name has died down with the jocks ever since what happened in the bush, I need to thank Jake for getting the jocks to stop calling me a freak- thanks Jake, I appreciate it. Anyway, there is one thing about me that makes people remember me as 'the freak'... yeah I'm a goth. The term 'Goth', in my opinion, is so overrated. Nowadays it's used as an insult but I think of it as a lifestyle, everybody is different. Okay, yeah I do wear skinnies and mostly black and I did wear snake bites at one point but that doesn't make me any different. Speaking of snake bites, that reminds me, I have to buy some more bars; you see, it's like this- when we were in the parallel dimension, I took them out when I was eating my Chinese but then then we had that storm and I kinda lost them, but they would've probably got infected if I put them back in whilst we were in the bush. I'll have to buy some more.
Anyway, that was my life, but now, it's all different. Since we were missing in the bush for 2 weeks that's kinda made us famous in Bremin, everyone wants to know what happened, but that's really not me, I don't do big crowds. I am definitely not telling anyone about magic that stays between me, Jake, Sam and Andy. Everybody already thinks I'm a weirdo goth, no need to add magic into the mix, anyway, magic is my thing, the thing that makes me special. My secret. That's how I intend to keep it; a secret.

Anyways enough of me how about I introduce my friends... so there's Jake, he's the jock and he's quite stubborn, Jake is also the Earth Element. There's Andy who is your typical nerd but the bush kinda changed him, he's the Water Element. Sam, where do I start? Sam is an airhead, a jerk, one of the 'popular kids' and he's a skater. He gets on my nerves but I couldn't ask for a better friend, Sam is the Air Element and that leaves the Fire Element, which is me... so that's my friends sorted and that's about it really, all my friends are annoying but I appreciate everything they have done for me and I wouldn't change it for the world... oh god, now I sound like I'm from a soppy romance film, okay let's not.

(Chapter written by writer 2)

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