Who do you go with on a shopping spree cuz of coronavirus??

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I feel like the title is too big and you can't see it fully so I'm gonna write it down here again :'))
Who do you go with on a shopping spree cuz of coronavirus

Aries: Jevil

Taurus: you don't get out of your house in general,just inside playing videogames ( why do I feel myself in this one :-;)

Gemeni:Noelle and Sagittarius

Cancer: Kris and Pisces

Leo: Lancer

Virgo:Rouxus Kaard

Libra: Sean


Sagittarius: Gemeni and Noelle


Aquarius: same as Taurus

Pisces:Kris and Cancer

Of course school is suspended in my country too and I hate it,cuz we get homework and we have to send it to our teachers ;-;
It's shitty

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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