You worry to much

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"(F/N)! Wake up!," you hear a high pitch voice shout, before feeling weigh jump on top of you. 

Pulling the covers to hide your face, you open your eyes to see Shiro smiling down at you. 

"Ah! W-What are you doing in here?! How did you get in here," You asked, look up at the open vent swinging back and forth. 

"Come one (F/N)! It's time for breakfast!" Shiro said, jumping up and down.

"No, No that's quite okay to go without me," you said, turning away to slip on your mask.

"Don't be a meanie butt!" she pouted, pulling you out of your cell. 

"Alright fine, I'll go," you said, following behind the skipping Shiro. 

'How could this girl be so happy when we're trapped in this hell hole?' you thought, breathing in a sigh. Soon after running into Shiro, you heard the shouts that sounded very familiar to Ganta. 

"Shiro! Where are you?" he called. 

"Ganta!" Shiro called, tumbling on top of him. 

Finally catching up with them, you smiled realizing how adorable they are together. 

"Such a cute couple," you thought out loud. 

"W-What? No, that's not it," Ganta babbled, trying to reassure you. 

Giggling you walked past the two and into the cafeteria. Right as you stepped foot into the room, everyone went silent. 'I'm not that scary am I?' you thought, hearing the whispers of those around you. 

Getting your food and a table, you sat next to Minatsuki, Ganta, and Shiro. 

"You're going against Crow?" Minatsuki asked, which caught you off guard. 

'Crow? Is she talking about 279?' you thought, not bothering to answer her question. 

"Hello? I'm talking to yo-," she said, before you interrupted her. 

"I've seen him fight, but I've never fought him," you said, before taking a bit lifting up your mask to take a bit out of your meal. 

"But he's very strong (F/N). Do you really think you can win?" Ganta said, worry plastered on his face. 

You shrugged your shoulders,"If he kills me then my sentence is finished, If I lose Ill be forced to play the penalty game, or I'll win. Either way is fine with me" 

"W-Wait. You're okay with dying?" Ganta asked,grinding his teeth. 

"Ganta I'm a deadman... I will die in here. Just a matter of time," you said calming, getting out and throwing your tray away. 

"You worry to much," you said, before hearing the call. 

"Everyone! The first round of carnival corpse is about to begin! You can watch the show against crow and falcon from the television in your room. Have fun! 

Smirking you whispered,"The fun is about to began"

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