love of my life

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Today, I can't wait to see Fred, I want to be with him all the time.
I walked in and made may way over to first see Bri.

"Bri, hun how are you on this fine night." I sounded to cheerful.
"Well someone is very happy tonight babe."

We spoke for a bit longer, then made my way to my window.
And to fred, i can't wait to see what design we will do.

So as i made my way over to fred, he turned and tried to scare, me.

"I missed you John, but I glad that your here." I'm so happy that I have Fred.
"Me to love me to."

We did a few different options, untill we found the right one.

This was perfect, I loved it and I'm sure that the customers will love this to

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This was perfect, I loved it and I'm sure that the customers will love this to.

So over the weeks my window designs are bringing a tremendous number of customers and profits for Prince & Company, Illustra's chief executive.

B. J. Wert, attempts to lure me away from Prince & Company, with a job offer from Roxie, who works for him. And my ex, that make me fell sick.

How do they think they are they really thinks that I will just follow them.
I don't freaking think so.

"Come on deacon, you can work with what ever you want, when you work with us." Can't they get the message.
"I was no and I mean no."

I now that it want be the last time that they ask me this.

I refuses, straight away stating that at Prince & Company, has people he cares about and who count on me and view's my work as important.

But once again I had Richard, demanding that I still go and work for them.

And time and time again I refuse, over and over again.

But it never stops there as
They realize that i still won't come and work for them.

As I was ready to make my way to go home I was stopped by bri.

"John, wait i need to talk to you right this second." Bri, looked freaked out.
"I over heard them planning on kidnapping Fred."

I don't think so I New that I had to make sure that they never got there hands on my Fred.


It seems that deacon, has a fixation on one of the mannequins.

So there is one thing we can do we need to make some plans to steal Fred.

We will have to do it when deacon, anit around.
I will get deacon, on my team one way or another.


After becoming frustrated with Felix's ineptitude and Richards' attitude towards John.
I had no choice but to fires them.

I hate it when he get so jealous of other people's work.

"You can't do this Claire, I good for this company, and you now it." Gosh he sure now's how to talk a lot of shit.


Me and Felix break into the store and search for fred, but Unable to tell one mannequin from another.

So we simply steal away every male mannequin, in this dam store.
Let's see how deacon, likes this.
Because I always get what I want.

Deacon, thinks he will ever see this dam mannequin, ever again.
Well i don't think sooo.

Mmmhhhhahahaha, I laughed out loud.


The next morning, Bri, and myself, discover that fred, missing.

I immediately, realize that is all down to Illustra.
So I went and confront Wert, who is dismissive.

Roxie storms out of the office, swearing that i will never see Fred, again.

That Fucking bitch.





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