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Time marches on, and death turns to decay... And a man alone can not be an island but can become a vessel, fulfilling a coarse purpose and carry a flame of another; it warms the heart, it feeds the soul.

It makes the world bright.

So... bright.

A stolen flame burns strong, burns quick.

A stolen flame...burns out.

"Because death is a fearful thing, " she'd whisper to herself, sepia-colored eyes fogged with past regrets stared off into the dimly lit room. Her dimly lit room. The room she's come to know and forget repeatedly for two whole years, the room that's housed more strangers than the average household, the room that's been nothing but a chained nightmare. She was trapped, and she was drugged. Walls of tarnished grey and cracked ceilings muddied her sight whenever someone entered, and from her obscure tossing and turning, no furniture lined the room except the single mattress she laid upon day in and day out.

Body after body, she was visited regularly.

By mammals alike, from males to females, their position in the food chain never mattered. And in a perfect world, this exact room carried no discrimination towards any species - and it sickened her. She had once protested during school rallies for predators and prey to walk the same path, but now, she begged for racism. She hoped that the very elephant who laid on top of her would see her as a threat and crush her very bones with his weight; God, she wanted to suffer, to die, to feel anything but his throbbing cock release inside her. She couldn't be bothered to institute pushing him off, nor did he seem to notice the slight twitch in her brow as she tried to express disgust. The drugs were so overpowering, unavoidable to the numbness between reality, hell, and remembrance. "That was great, " sighed the mammal as he rolled off her, and it wasn't often they said a word or even bat an eye her way, but it was only now that she could, technically, appropriately keep track of it all.
They hadn't come in for a few days to pump her full of drugs some more, and she was tremendously grateful. This occurred last year too, she spent two whole weeks without the needles, but visitors still came and went, and she fell into desperate times like any other addict; to a point that she thought she couldn't live without the drugs. But not this time, no, she was going to stay silent and allow a plan to brew properly in her mind while she still had the chance, she needed revenge.

The beast stood, pulling up his pants that previously hung at his knees, and the sweet scent of cologne masked her senses momentarily as she caught sight of the khakis he struggled to re-belt.

Her stomach rumbled at the fragrance though, and she couldn't believe her mind would wander to tasting his flesh — she was a herbivore, a proud one at that too, but even genes couldn't hold back natural thirst.
Clenching her jaw in utter hostility to her own pathetic survival instincts, she turned her head away in self-defiance and in turn, caught the elephant's attention. "Are you hungry, sweet thing?" Questioned the male, in the process of buttoning his dress shirt before pausing, waiting to hear her response; anticipating if her voice was as sweet as her displeased moans.

However, when she didn't answer, he leant forward to grasp her hollowed cheeks between his manicured nails.

"Come on, say something, " he began, tilting his head to the side, "it's just you and me here, they can't hurt you now." His voice cooed sweetly, the tone almost tempting to coax her to trust him; as if, in his mind, forcing himself on top of her was some sort of forbidden love scene straight out of a tragic love novel. She swallowed thickly, eyes widening in pure terror towards the question —what else could he possibly want?! His gaze trailed over her ruffled features before skimming down her neck and towards her bare breasts. "You're so thin, " he muttered more to himself than anyone else, of course, her body shape and species were one of the main reasons he paid the extra amount; she was exactly his type, rare and exotic. "Especially for a Panda..." He added, trailing off to meet her widened eyes, "say," a thought suddenly lite his features, "you're starving, right?" His fingers released her cheeks, and ran down across her lips.

TO TAME INSTINCTS • BEASTARSWhere stories live. Discover now