Keep Going

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Karma POV

We were chasing the man that wanted our lab rat, who was chasing our lab rat. A black SUV came down the street Murphy was running towards. The man started firing on the SUV and we all braced against a white truck for cover. The man shot the guys in the SUV killing them all. More people showed up and we were blocked on both sides. 

"Look out!" Mack yelled as the car behind us brought out a shotgun. 10k grabbed my hand as we both ran to the building next to us. 

"10K! karma! Murphy!" Warren yelled. We got her message and went after Murphy. We ran away to a safer spot looking around for Murphy. We stopped to let a car pass before going down the path.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" 10k rushed out both his hands grabbing my face so he could make sure for himself.

"Yea I'm good. Are you?" I asked him grabbing his hands. He nodded and we kept moving. running down alleyways and lawns. A gunshot went off to our right. 

"Excuse me, ma'am? I was wondering if I may be able to catch a ride with-" Murphy's voice rung out. I pushed 10k in that direction and we sprinted as fast as our bodies would let us. Cassandra was on top of some random body and 10k tackled Murphy to the ground. 10k took the rope out of his pocket and untangled it.

"10k watch it!" I yelled as someone in a suit lifted up a rocket launcher. How the hell? He ran the other way but wasn't fast enough. Both our bodies went flying into the air. I screamed as bricks landed on my bones and my arm sliced open. 10k hit the ground and he wasn't moving. "No" I said pushing the bricks off my body. I screamed as my leg moved. I forced myself onto my stomach and crawled over to him. My head hit the ground as my breathing got really heavy. A dead zombie fell close to his body. I was still a couple of feet away. My body got lifted up and I screamed in pain. 

"Shh shh you're ok" Warren's voice came to my ears. I could barely hear her. This ringing in my head made it hurt so much worse. Warren was giving orders but I couldn't make them out. Soon Doc had my body in his arms and he was tugging 10k along with him. 

We arrived at this white abandoned hotel. Doc transferred me over to 10k's arms to give himself a break. We rested alongside a truck. Every time we moved closer to a different vehicle a single shot would hit close by. I pushed myself out of 10k's grasp. Groaning at the pain. I took out my bandanna and tied it around my leg, stopping the blood from flowing out. The ringing in my head growing slightly more annoying. I was able to apply pressure now. 10k and I both had our snipers out. Doc was talking but neither of us could hear. 

"What," 10k asked. Although it sounded normal to me it was probably much louder to anyone else. The window of the car we were hiding against broke once a bullet went through. Doc counted to three on his fingers and 10k lifted his body to move to another car. A bullet rang out and hit the car again, halting our actions. 

"Someone's got us pinned," Doc yelled so we could hear him. 10k picked up a hubcap and held it above his head. A bullet blew right through it. 

"Sniper," We both said at the same time looking at each other. 10k leaned to his left and used a piece of glass to get the location of the sniper. 

"Second floor, Seventh window from the right." He said. 

"You think you can take him out?" Doc asked. He stood up and a zombie reached for him. He bolted to the awning where there was a door. 10k moved to another car and I stayed put. There was no way I'd get out if he took a shot at Doc and 10k already, especially with my leg. 10k lifted his gun up and fired. When I heard the glass break I bolted to where Doc went. No sniper is going to stay in the same location once they've been made.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now