Chapter 5: Loyalty

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Dinner was simple in the nicest way. I insisted on helping prepare the meal, even though it was just spaghetti with store-bought garlic bread. But it felt good to keep myself busy by doing something normal. Ethan had been right; I really did need a moment. It was nice to step back from everything—from Luc, from Matilda, from the fact that someone else had taken up residence in my body—even if it was just for a little while.

After dinner, Ethan stepped away to help his grandmother get ready for bed and I was left alone with Polly at the table. Silence settled over us, the air uneasy and tight. I studied my empty plate to keep myself from making eye contact. I knew what was coming...

"Don't worry," Polly said, finally, reaching for the bottle of wine she had bought. "I'm not going to bombard you with questions until Ethan is back."

"Lucky me," I grumbled.

Polly snickered. At least the wine was putting her in a better mood. She poured some into my empty water glass, finishing the bottle.

"Are you trying to loosen me up so I'll talk?" I said. Even if she was, I didn't care. As the memory of my hangover faded, it started to look more appealing... Especially as I knew it would dull the low throb of pain that echoed through my body. I reached for my glass.

"Not exactly," Polly said with a small laugh, leaning back in her chair. "But breakups are always a little easier with a drink. Even I know that."

I froze with the glass at my lips.

"Chill out, Rach," she said, eyeing me from over the edge of her own glass. "It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. You are Luc broke up, didn't you?"

I sighed and put my glass on the table. "Something like that."

"Mhmm." Polly took another long drink.

"I thought it might've been something like that." Ethan had returned. He had changed into sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. He reclaimed his seat at the table.

"Yeah, cause you're a psychic."

"Not that kind of psychic," Ethan said, before turning back to me. "And I'm sorry, Rachel."

My eyes stung. I blinked hard and looked away. "Thanks," I said in a small voice.

"Yeah, so... What happened?" Polly asked pointedly, swilling her glass.

Ethan rounded on her. "Hey, if she isn't ready to talk, she doesn't have to—"

"Yes she does," Polly countered. "If this were any other time, any other guy, I'd let her take her time. But since it's fucking Luc—" she spat his name, "—there's no time to cry over him. Rachel's in some kind of danger. She's possessed, remember? And he's gone."

Ethan had no response for that. He turned back to me, his light grey eyes locking with mine. I knew that he could probably see the whole tangle of images in my head—

At the centre of me, something tensed, pulling in tight, seeking refuge from Ethan's invading gaze.

Ethan narrowed his eyes as he stared at me, tilting his head like a cat.

"Can you... can you see it?" I breathed.

"Not quite," Ethan replied, his gaze still focussed. "I can see something, like a shadow behind your eyes, but nothing definite, no detail."

"So it is still in there," I said, my shoulders sagging.

"Obviously," Polly snapped. "Now can we talk about how it got there?"

Ethan sighed, closing his eyes, breaking our connection. The thing inside me loosened, relaxing. It didn't seem to like Ethan digging around.

"Do you want to?" Ethan asked me, opening his eyes again.

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