Chapter one

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High school sucks, why does it have to start so freaking early. I just want to go back to bed! But no I'm walking to my first period at 8 in the morning on a Monday, yeah. My names Rowen but my friends like to call me rose. I'm finally in my last year at this hell hole. And I know, school isn't that bad, but for me it sucks. When I said all my friends call me rose, that's two people. I'm not the most popular girl in school. I'm what some people like to consider a loner. My two best friends have been with me since high school started. They were with me through the hardest time in my life. My parents divorced when I was around 12 years old, I'm 17 now. And when the divorced they gave me the choice of who I wanted to live with and I picked my dad. So I only ever saw my mom every other weekend, so when grade 11 finished, my mom decided she was going to take me on a road trip. I was excited because I didn't leave my little town of Oakville every much. But we didn't get very far, as we were leaving town some asshole ran a red light and collided with the side of my mom's car. Our car flipped three times then wrapped around the side of a tree that was on the side of the road. The doctors told me and my dad, that my mom had died on impact. I had passed out as soon as the car hit us, so I don't remember much of what happened. All I remember is waking up in the hospital. At first, I couldn't believe that my mom was died. Why would I survive but not my mom, but she's gone. I stayed in the hospital for around 3 weeks and except for a massive concussion I only received some cuts and bruises, nothing very major. thank god. It's still hard most days but I'm coping.


when I got to class I was the first person to arrive, so I just went to the back and took a seat. I read for about 20 minutes before everyone showed up. Then just as the bell rings Nathaniel pierce walked into class and following him was Tiffany green, great the two most popular kids in are school are in my class, great. I got nothing against Nathanial he's one of the nicest guys in our school, its Tiffany that I'm worried about. She likes to make my life a living hell. We used to be best friends in middle school but once we got to high school, she became super popular. Her boobs grew in and she got her braces off and she learned how to use makeup. After everyone started paying attention to her, she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. She told me that nobody would want to be friends with a nobody.

"Good morning class, because its the first day of school we will take everything fairly slow today. Now I hope everyone in here knows that this is 30-1 English not -2." Mrs. Wilson says staring at some of the rugby players. They all started to laugh. "Don't worry teach we know." Killian rogers calls out. Killian is Nathanial's best friend. If you see one the other one isn't usually far behind. Killian is a nice dude but he's a bit of a player. He's been with pretty much all of the girls in our school. It's funny that such a player is bests friends with a guy that has never had a girlfriend before. "Ok class settle down now, let's get started." Mrs. Wilson says claiming down the class. "Ok, so what does everyone think on the topic of love." As Mrs. Wilson was talking I wasn't paying attention. I was looking out the window, we were on the top floor of the school so 3 storeys up. And we could see the Oakville forest perfectly from are classroom, we could see all the way to Oak lake. I always thought the forest was interesting, I don't get why everyone was always so scared to go in, I don't see what's so scary abo~ " Miss brooks can you answer the question for me." Mrs. Wilosn says looking down at me. I blushed " what was the question again." I say looking down at my desk. "You would know if you were paying attention Miss brooks, what is your opinion on love," she says walking back to her desk. " I think the word is pretty useless, we say we love each other but then we cheat on each other or fight. No one uses the word right. People are saying I love you after only being together for a couple of days. people don't know the meaning of love." I say confidently.

"Well, in my opinion, Mrs. Wilson, Rowen is wrong. How would she know anything about love when shes never had a boyfriend before. The only guy she hangs out with is gay." Tiffany says looking over at me laughing. "That's enough Miss green, we don't need your opinion on everything." Mrs. Wilson says as she starts to write notes on the whiteboard. The rest of the class was pretty boring. I kept zoning out, looking into the forest. Next thing I know it was the end to the day, where did the time go. I walk had walked to school that morning, which means I have to walk home, and lucky me it starting to rain.

"Brooks you need a ride." Someone yells behind me, I spin around to see Nathanial Pierce in his fancy expensive car. "No I'm good but thanks," I say as I start to walk away.  "Come on Brooks you're going to get soaked" he yells again. "I'm will be fine it's just a little water. It's don't going to kill me." I yell back as I continue to walk away. " Rowen just get in the car your going to get sick." I look over at him "Fine just give me a sec" I say as I walk over. Once I got in the car, I started to warm up. I didn't realize how cold I was. "So why where you walking don't you have a car," he asks looking over at me before looking back at the road. To be honest with you I haven't even touched my car since I got out of the hospital after the crash. I've been too scared to drive, so getting into his car was kind of scary for me but. I think as long as I don't look out the window I will be good. "I do I just didn't want to drive, or I'm kind of scared to I guess," I confess looking down at my lap. "I heard what happened this summer, how have things been at home since the accident." He asks looking at me. " it must have been hard. did they ever catch the guy" I look over at him, he was worried about me? why is he worried we have never talked before. how did he even know who I was. "everything has been going fine, and no they haven't found him. Question why are you even talking to me? don't you have some image to uphold? "I say looking away. I don't get it why would he want to talk to me. "why wouldn't I want to talk to you, your amazing." he says looking over at me. what the hell. I've never even talked to this guy before. when we finally made it to my house, I got out of the car before turning back around. "thank you, Nathanial, I will see you at school tomorrow." I say. but as I was closing my door, he calls out. "wait, Rowen, do you want a ride tomorrow, it's supposed to rain all week I can drive you. And you can call me Nate all my friends do."  I look down at him, "actually I would really appreciate that thanks, I will see you tomorrow." I say closing the door. we wave and he drives off. Wow, today has been one of the weirdest days ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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