Chapter Three: Brewing Troubles

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"Marvelous! I want to try!" Bleu's voice echoed in the early morning following the sounds of a blender. Layla stumbled out of her bedroom clad in a silver fuzzy robe and floral pajamas.

"Dont! You're putting too many in there, it's gonna-" with a loud splat Aaron's words were muted. A pastel mixture of pink and purple slush splotched the walls and countertops.

"Blow..." Aaron peeped, wiping smoothie off her face. Bleu licked clean the back of his hand "that is very tasty, and you can put any fruit in there with the milk and that thing their turns it into fruit cream...?" He asked.

"Its a smoothie...and what did you just do to my kitchen?" Layla asked with wide eyes.

Aaron pointed to Bleu "it's all the freaks fault, Lay. I was just trying to make you breakfast. The guys got the attention span of a toddler." She raged.

"I've got under 45 minutes to be at the Orphanage to impress out potential donors. Have this mess cleaned before I step back out here -please." Layla sighed closing the door to her room.

She pressed her back to the door and covered her face with one hand. "I was sure it was a dream. Now I need to find Aaron's brother and figure out what to do with our new foxman." She thought.

Removing her hand she tossed a dry gaze towards her master bathroom. "But first a nice hot shower, coffee and a English muffin." She sighed heading off to get ready.

Aaron looked to Bleu with a scowl "Come on fluffbutt, we gotta clean this up." She said with a sigh.

Bleu gazed at the walls, counter tops and floor. "Surely you can't mean on our own....manually. That's just tiresome. " He said.

Aaron stopped in her tracks rag in hand "um duh! Come on, how else will it get clean?" She asked.

Bleu smiled slyly and held out the palm of his hand. There a baby blue flame manifested, turning slowly it grew, and then another formed.

Aaron gasped and inched closer to see the flames. "What's that gonna d-" her words were stolen from her as the two flaming orbs zipped out of his hand.

They flew about the kitchen crackling like a fire place and before Aaron could react, the walls, counters and floor was a blaze with roaring pale blue flames.

"No,no,no! Bad fuzzbutt! You - you can't set things on fire!" She shouted.

"I mean yeah....turning stuff to ash is one way to clean things I guess. But it's a stupid idea!" Aaron continued to rage at Blue her back to the burning kitchen.

"We got to find a fire extinguisher before the water spouts go off in the ceiling and ruin everything!" She called.

Bleu stopped the girl from running, gently grasping her arm. "There's no smoke, or heat." He said calmly.

Meanwhile, the distant roar of flames made Layla wonder, her fireplace never sounded that loud before. Shouting from Aaron gave Layla a jolt. Turning the water off as quickly as she could Layla rushed from the shower, soaking her fuzzy slippers and throwing on her bathrobe.

"There's no smoke or Heat..." She could hear Bleu say as she opened her bedroom door.

Layla's eyes fell on the pale blue flames and her mouth tumbled open. She pushed through Aaron and Bleu, headed for the fire. The flames were large, looking to threaten the whole apartment unit. Large embers bounced about, yet between all this, it wasn't hot.

In fact the room felt like the windows had been left open, and a nice spring breeze had come through.

"What is this?" Layla asked, breathless as she watched the flames dance. "Cleansing fire." Bleu stated simply. He chuckled and shook his head, "are all humans like this? You're awfully amazed by the most Mundane things." He hummed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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