Shay + Florence Story (FINALLY)

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So there was so much of this, oops! So sorry it took so long!! I just decided to throw it all into bullet points  to make it... easier to get out of my head?? 😂 it's a bit of a mess oof I'm sorry if anything is hard to follow, feel free to ask questions and I'll try to clarify stuff 😅

 easier to get out of my head?? 😂 it's a bit of a mess oof I'm sorry if anything is hard to follow, feel free to ask questions and I'll try to clarify stuff 😅

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So I don't know if you would know  this, but I actually used  Shay (previously Shade in his previous life) in my first RP on the website

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So I don't know if you would know  this, but I actually used  Shay (previously Shade in his previous life) in my first RP on the website. It was a shifter Roleplay, and if I'm correct, he was a wolf. From there, he's been the half-angel half-demon from Angels and Demons Shade, a werewolf Shay, and a full Demon Shay. There were probably others, but I've decided to settle on something a bit more "subdued": his father was full-blooded demon, his mother part angel. He doesn't have all that much power at all, besides being a bit more resilient then the average human, and he'd also just... a very good judge of character.

Also this detail doesn't really fit anywhere else but Shay has an issue with smoking when he's stressed. So all the time :3

Okay time for bullet points! Again, it's a lot I'm sorry I'd you need something cleared up just ask!!

•    Shay's mother was Victoria Winthrop: a woman who lived in an extremely religious family, who was born with angelic blood from her father's side: they were strict, sheltering people, who would never let Victoria have her own life or let her breathe.
•    Shay's father is one Norman Black: a full-blooded demon and an overall a terrible, evil, murderous son of a bitch gifted in the art of manipulation.
•    The two met when fairly young. They had a brief affair, all to Norman's benefit. He was pushy, and Victoria wasn't sure how to say no. One thing leads to another, she ends up pregnant.
•   Her family found out: their family was important in the church, and to avoid shame of a baby out of wedlock, forced her into a quick marriage with Norman, who'd easily charmed the family into believing he was someone... kinder than he was.
•   Norman moved Victoria into his home, and kept her locked there. Shortly after, Shay was born; Norman starts a physical relationship with another woman named Samara Yanetta right after this, and in less than a year, Samara became pregnant with twins.
•   Samara moved in when her children Artis and Osiris were born; Shay and Victoria were forbidden to leave the house, while Norman gave all of his attention to his knee family.
•   Victoria killed herself when Shay was 8 years old: he was the one to find her body. In a fit of rage, Norman took out his anger for this loss on Shay, and forced the boy into the basement.
•   When Shay was 10, Samara, who began to grow fearful of Norman now that he no longer had Victoria to torment, convinced him to allow Shay to go to school. Even without the proper education, Shay, dropped straight into 5th grade, was able to keep up just enough to scrape by the skin of his teeth for the most part,
•   Up until he's 18, his life is terrible. He's made to feel stupid by his teachers and fellow students for, eventually, being held back two full grades, and he didn't get an escape from this torment when he returned home. His father is abusive, physically and emotionally, and his step-mother and half siblings aren't cruel, but... negligent. Neither child is cued up to what was happening in his life.
•   Shay met Florence, now 18 and stuck in the same grade as her.

Okay!! It's Florence time baby,

•   Florence's mother was Opal Smith: a junior in high school who hated her average, middle-class family and had a highly addictive personality.
•   Florence's father was Ivan Petrov, a Russian immigrant and senior... in collage. His home life was shit, his mother dead and dad a drunk and abuser, which, unluckily, was a trait that rubbed off on him. •. •   Ivan and Opal got involved in a relationship obviously toxic as hell. Ivan got Opal addicted on all sorts of things she shouldn't have been messing with, and this led to sex. Lots of it. Florence is conceived, and later born.
•   Opal decided to keep Florence, much to Ivan's displeasure.
•   Opal's family was entirely freaked out about the situation, and desperately tried to remove Opal from this obviously toxic situation, along with her newborn daughter. It didn't work.
•   Opal became an addict and can't hold down a job because of it; Ivan doesn't even try. The money they got came from shadier means or handouts form Opal's family, who just wanted to make sure their daughter and Florence were being taken care of.
•   Her parents weren't attentive whatsoever. . She learned to care for herself quickly. Florence went to school, using money she stole from her parents to pay for school lunches.
•   As she got older, around age 7, she was somehow able to talk her parents into letting her take figure skating lessons. They only allowed this by finding a cheap, not professional teacher, and cheap, used skates. She hated lots of activities, but this was something she loved.
•   At 14, her parents fell on *hard* times (harder than the usual situation) and instead of moving some money around to pay for lessons, they gave her an ultimatum: Florence had to get a job and pay for these lessons herself, or she couldn't skate.
• So, she got a job with one of her distant uncles, at a dirty little pet store on a street corner. Thinking back on the situation, it was more shady than Florence would've realized.
•   During a skating lesson, she fucked up her knee when her skate's blade snapped off after a spin, injuring her knee in a way that never healed just right. Now, with a hospital bill to pay off (because they forced her to pay her own bill), she had to quit her lessons to work more hours and save money. She worked the pet store job for a few more years, along with later ending up with a supermarket job.
•   Florence met Shay when she was 16.

From there, the two of them became best friends: they both came from screwed up home lives. While both of them are pretty self-destructive, it's in very different ways. Shay allows himself to live with injuries, exhaustion to the point of passing out, overall general terrible health: Florence is prone to breakdowns, violent ones on occasion. So, like, they try to protect each other and stuff and it's cute ^^

They also were able to secure an apartment to live in together, to get themselves out of their family situations. Florence'a family couldn't give a flying fuck, but Norman is... less than happy about the situation.

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