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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Doug Billing's asked. "It wouldn't be the same without you!"

I smiled at my brother, "No it's fine Doug! Besides, it's a bachelor party. You guys go have fun watching strippers or gambling or whatever. I've got no interest in that."

"Phil will be there." Doug teased.

A smile found its way to my face at the thought of Phil Wenneck. I did love spending time with the man (despite the times he can be a complete asshole, I know he means well), he is one of my best friends. Although Doug's reasoning was tempting, as I'd almost never pass up an opportunity to spending time with Phil. However, it wouldn't work for this; I didn't want to be a drag for my brother's bachelor party. "Tempting," I said, "but I'll pass."

Doug sighed. "Fine."

"Go have fun with the guys." I said, nudging his shoulder. I nodded my head towards the beautiful car our father in-law lent Doug for the trip, where our soon-to-be brother in-law, Alan, sat in the passenger attempting to look aloof.

Doug gingerly got into the car, and started it. He sent me one final look, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Doug, go!" I laughed. "And say 'hi' to the boys for me!"

Dough smiled. "Will do."

Alan pushes his sunglasses down his nose, and looked at me. "See ya toots."

I laughed. "Bye Alan." I said with the same tone you would use to a little kid.

With that, Doug pulled out of the driveway, and off he went to get the boys.


"Amy! Amy! Please! You gotta get down here!" I jumped up from the couch at Phil's frantic voice over the phone.

I leaned against my shoulder, pinning the phone as I frantically put on my pants. "What?! What's wrong?!"

"You just gotta get down here! Quick!" I grabbed the phone again, jogging out of my room and grabbing my keys. My mind ran a million miles an hour trying to think up what the hell could've gone wrong. They've barely been gone an hour! There's no way-

Pain erupted in my thigh which nearly caused me to fall over. "Son of a bitch!" I cried out, glaring at the table corner I stupidly ran into.

Pushing past the pain, I flung open the front door. Just as I was about to get to my car, a loud chorus of laughter stopped me in my tracks.

My mouth dropped as I stared at the idiots in the beautiful Bentley, who where bent over laughing.

My face flushed red. Of fucking course! These assholes! My eyes fell on Doug, whose face was red, and gasping for breath between laughs. "What the hell!" I yelled.

He put his hands up. "Don't look at me! It was Phil's idea."

I turned my gaze to Phil, who had a stupid smirk on his face. I crossed my arms over my chest, unimpressed.

"Oh c'mon, Ames. Admit it! It was funny!"

I scoffed, shaking my head. "You guys are assholes." However seething my tone seemed, the growing smile on my face betrayed my true feelings. Before Phil could start his teasing, I changed the topic. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well," Stu started. "When Doug told us you weren't coming, we couldn't believe it. I mean, during every occasion, we've all always been together."

"Its a bachelor party. The only girls that should be there are strippers; not the groom's sister." I said. "That's kinda the tradition."

"Fuck tradition. It wouldn't be the same without you." Phil said.

All the guys were looking at me now, with what I believe we're their attempt at puppy dog eyes, quite literally begging me to come with them.

For fuck's sake.


"Fine?" Doug asked, as if he misheard.

"Fine! I'll go!" I laughed.

The boys cheered, pumping their fists in the air. Phil hopped over the car door, not even bothering to open it, which received a scolding whine from Doug.

"Great!" Phil exclaimed. He than grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and pushed me towards my house. "Now, get your ass inside and pack a bag. We wanna be on the road in 10 minutes."

It wasn't hard for me to pack. I wasn't very picky with things, and didn't need much to reply on. I packed a bag with all the my essentials, along with several changes of clothes—fancy and casual alike. Anything necessary for a trip to Vegas.

It warmed my heart that the guys went out of their way to come get me, even after I said that I wasn't going. I was scared that going would be me being a drag, and they'd feel restricted because I was there, but it didn't seem like that at all to them.

They wanted me there.

I almost felt relieved that I was going. Sure, I was invited to the bachelorette party, and I love Doug's wife to the bottom of my heart, but like Stu said, we've always celebrated with each other, no matter the occasion. We even had a lame little party when Stu lost his virginity, and it was great!

I can't help but wonder what this night has in store for us. We've never really been know for doing super crazy shit, granted stupid shit for sure, but nothing considered crazy.

I was bubbling with excitement as I closed my bag.

I caught myself in the mirror before leaving my room, reminding me of my current outfit. The sweater and sweatpants will not do. I changed into a more suitable outfit, Jean shorts and a tank top.

I locked the door once after I left the house. The boys cheered a again when they saw, Alan in particular being much louder than the rest. The car rumbled to life as I approached.

"Put your bag in the bag." Doug said. There was a click, and the trunk of the car popped open.

I did as so, than—much to Phil's pleasure, I'm sure— had climbed over him and situated myself in the middle seat, between Phil and Stu.

"Good?" Doug asked, looking back at me from he drivers seat.

I smiled, nodding. "Good." I repeated.

"Vegas awaits." Doug said.

"WOO! Vegas!" Alan shouted, standing up in his seat. However, just as he did, Doug accelerated causing Alan to fall backwards and nearly tumbled out of the moving vehicle.

"Woah! Woah!" Us three in the back cried, readying ourselves to catch Alan if need be.

Doug panicked, stopping the car. "Jesus! Alan, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" 

Alan steadied himself back in the seat, readjusting his sunglasses. He sat aloof, as if nothing had happened. "I'm okay." He said.

I clapped a hand over my mouth, stifling the laughs. Doug held an amused smile, while Stu and Phil snickered.

Doug more cautiously started to move the car, keeping an eye on Alan in case he tried to stand or something.

Off to Vegas we go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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