Intro to the Bootcamp Mentorship Program

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What is the Bootcamp Mentorship Program?

Serving the Wattpad writing community since 2020, the Bootcamp Mentorship Program sprouted from an idea between Wattpad Stars who wanted to help other writers polish their Wattys stories. And this is what we've been doing through one-on-one mentoring and workshops. Not to mention, we've grown into a wonderfully rich and supportive community, both on Wattpad and Discord.

In 2024, the Bootcamp Mentors expanded the program in order to better serve our evolving community by restructuring the way we run our mentorships. Writers will still be able to apply to mentors for help with their stories, however these stories no longer need to be destined for the Wattys. Going forward, we will host four mentoring sessions per year that run in tandem with long-form writing contests run by the ambassadors: ONC, 8 Chapter Challenge, The Ambys, and 30 Day Challenge (formerly NaNoWriMo).

By the end of each mentoring session (lasting six weeks), mentees should have a written piece of work they can be proud of and something to enter into the contest.

For more information about our mentorship sessions, check out the 2024 Bootcamp Mentorship book. (coming soon!)

BCM's workshops have evolved as well and will be integrated into the Ask a Mentee Q&A events. These live Q&As are designed to support hopeful mentees who wish to receive feedback on writing related questions and learn what it means to be a mentee. Ask a Mentee events are hosted by former mentees (Bootcamp Graduates), some of whom have gone on to become Creators and sign publishing deals. These events take place on BCM's Discord server (link in bio). Of course, our mentors will be there too!

To be clear, there is no longer a requirement that your story be headed for submission into the Wattys, or even destined for the writing challenges mentioned above. But please note that Discord discussions and messaging during the mentorships will focus on meeting the goals and milestones of these specific writing challenges.

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What is a mentee and how do I become one?

Our mentees are writers who are still in the learning stages of their writing journey. Perhaps you only have one story written. Or maybe you've been at it for a while but you don't feel like you're getting anywhere. You do, however, have enthusiasm for storytelling and a motivation to improve those skills, which keeps you chugging away.

Sometimes all it takes is the help of an experienced mentor to set someone on the path to future success. If this is you; if you're ready to make the commitment to work hard and learn all you can, we invite you to apply during one of our mentorship sessions.

You can learn how to apply in the chapter titled How To Apply To a Bootcamp Mentor in our 2024 Bootcamp Mentorship book. (coming soon!) Even after the mentorship is over, our former mentees have the option to remain on the BCM team as a graduate. Our graduates play a big role in helping us usher in a new generation of mentees, and some have even become mentors themselves.

One requirement we've made mandatory for our mentees is creating a Discord account and maintaining it throughout the six week mentorship. By providing access to BCM's thriving Discord community, our mentees can connect with each other, broaden their scope of knowledge, and enjoy unlimited support. Writing may be solitary, but improving the craft of writing is a team effort. So be prepared to join our Discord server if you are chosen to be a Bootcamp Mentee. (Discord link in bio)

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What is a Bootcamp Mentor?

Each of our talented mentors has experience in writing long-form stories, and the knowledge they bring to the program is varied and diverse. However, they all meet at least one of the following qualifications:

👉 1-Participation in one of Wattpad's writer programs (Creators, Originals, Exclusives)

👉 2-Representation by a literary agent or publishing company

👉 3-Publication of a work off the platform

👉 4-The distinction of a Wattpad literary award, such as: ONC, The Ambys, all Watty awards

These writers have at least two novels showcased on their Wattpad profile, and can often be found engaging with their audience and the wider Wattpad community. Our mentors are the reason the BCM community exists. They are the writers in the trenches who love their stories and want to help others love their stories, too.

If you see yourself represented here and are interested in becoming a Bootcamp Mentor, please PM us on Wattpad or leave an inline comment here.

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Do you host any workshops?

Yes we do, because we are committed to paying it forward, and our Bootcamp Graduates play an important role in the passing on of knowledge. These former mentees host live Ask a Mentee Q&A events on our Discord server, which run in tandem with each mentorship session.

During these Ask a Mentee events, hopeful mentees can learn what it's like to work with a mentor and ask questions about topics that will prepare them for the upcoming writing challenge. You can find specific details in the Ask a Mentee chapter of our 2024 Bootcamp Mentorship book. (coming soon!)

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Thanks for stopping by to learn about our mentorship program. While you're on the profile, snoop around. You'll find advice on writing-related topics, like preparing for the Wattys and best practices for author branding. If you have any questions or would like more information, drop us a message in the comment section or in a PM.


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