Chapter Twelve

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VIOLET SAT AT home alone, her eyes staring hard at the phone. Her stepmom and dad had gone out for the night and her annoying brother had decided to spend the night at a friend's house. She hated when it was quiet—when she had no distractions from her mind. Sitting in solitude had given her time to think, and she realized that she owed Luna a favor for all the trouble she had caused.

She had thought about her friend's exhausted face all day before she remembered Luna still had to go to the dance with Chance. She'd be so unhappy, she'd start to make herself violently ill and it would be all Violet's fault just because she had wanted the opportunity to talk to the infamous Chance Welfrey.

Guilt stabbed her conscience. Her continual lack of sleep didn't help any. Forcing herself to stand up, she turned away from the phone. She was too tired to think straight. Feet padding against the carpet, she went to her room to lie down, confident—and overly hopeful—that once she woke in the morning, her guilt would be gone.


SUSAN RAN THE final brushstrokes of blush over her sister's cheeks.

"You're beautiful, doll," she said as Sarah smiled at her appreciatively.

Sarah got up from the chair to look at her face in the mirror, and Susan peeked around her sister to see her own hair and makeup. Despite the thought being conceited, Susan loved the way she looked. She had always been a pretty girl, but obviously Chance didn't think the same. That thought caused a slight frown at the corners of her lips.

"You know it's not too late to change your mind about Luna," Maddie said from her spot in the room, folding her arms over her chest as she spoke.

Susan sighed and glanced at her, wincing a bit at Maddie's makeup as she noticed a clump of mascara under her eye. Maddie had been insistent on getting herself ready for the dance, against Susan's better judgment.

"I don't think Luna's so bad when you give her the chance, really," she admitted. "She's just quiet. That's not so bad. I mean, you like Sarah, right?"

Maddie nodded with a glimpse at Susan's sister. "Of course. Your sister's sweet, quiet or not."

"Luna's the same way. Just give her a chance. You might like her too."

"I doubt it, but I won't be mean to her," Maddie grumbled.

"Are you sure you're really okay with this?" Sarah asked. "I mean, we're really going to ignore the fact that we're forcing this girl to go to Prom?"

"Chance wants me to help him because this means a lot. Yeah, she might be a little uncomfortable, but it's probably because she doesn't know him so well. Once she sees what he's like, she'll brighten up. Besides, so what that he isn't taking me? I found a date. So, yeah, I am gonna do it. Now that's enough complaining, both of you" Susan said, eyes darting between her friend and her sister.

"Just wondering," Sarah murmured.

"Well, save your wonder. I need you to gather up the makeup so we can get going," Susan commanded, turning her back. "It's almost time for Chance to pick up Luna, and we still got a lot of work to do. I have a feeling she won't make things any easier."


LUNA SAT ON the couch alone, watching the television while her father slept in his room. It was Saturday—specifically, the evening of Prom. In her mind, she could imagine David sleeping all day, imagine that Chance would leave her alone, and she'd have the entire evening to herself. Her night had been littered with calls from Violet, but she had ignored them, hoping against hope for a peaceful night.

A knock sounded on the door, breaking that hope, and Luna hesitantly got up to make her way over to it. On the porch stood Susan, with Maddie and Sarah behind her. They all wore the dresses they had picked out on their shopping trip, and their hair and makeup were already done. She recognized the yellow dress draped over Susan's arm.

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