Dreams of the past

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dreams of the past▪

☆ Earth, the mortal realm

"Sleep my little night star and light up the dark sky. Dream of love and always be brave. Stay clear of the darkness and they will go away. I ward of the night terrors of Somniabunt. Sleep little flower and safely return." A young mother, Morgana Aisling, was singing softly to her  three year old daughter. Her voice sounded like an angel as  the lullaby left her lips, just like her mother before her and many generations before them. She stroked her daughters vibrant red hair soothingly, lulling the tiny toddler to sleep. Morgana could see a soft blue glow around her daughter and she smiled. The song of protection had worked and would do it's magic in Somniabunt, the realm of dreams, where her daughter, Juliana Mari Aisling, was headed now. Morgana found it nerve wrecking to know that she could not help her daughter since dream walkers could not enter each others dreams with out premision. Certain words must be said to grand that premision, it was rare that a dream walker was so powerful that he could invade a dream walker dreams. Only your Anam Cara could do that. When the time comes she would explain it all to her daughter.

The Aisling family are dream walkers, a creature that can cause your worst nightmares or your greatest dreams. Some try to manipulate you to do certain acts in the mortal realm. They could be the angel or devil on your shoulder. The realm of dreams could be a marvelous place if you were careful and knew the places to stay clear of.

☆Somniabunt, the realm of dreams

The lullaby birds sang their melodies in perfect harmony as a little girl with ringlet curls that had the color of roses sat down in the tall grass. She wore a pretty white lace dress that glowed soft blue, it reminded her of how fire flies illuminated in the night or an angel's halo. Daisies and wild roses began to grow around the girl as she hummed along with the birds, it was a magical sight to the five year old boy that was watching from behind an enormous purple pine tree. His vibrant green eyes followed her as she stood up and danced around, the flower trail followed her every move and the meadow was tranformed with life. He pushed his black locks from his eyes as he was almost in a trance and was afraid to miss something or that the girl would dissapear from his sight. He took a step forward and slowly walked towards her with a timid smile. The girl did not see him until he had almost reached her, for a moment her topaz eyes widened as she did not expect an other person to be there.

The girl grinned at the boy and offered her hand without saying a word and started to dance with him. They could not help their giggles as they fell down in the tall grass. They looked around in wonder as they regained their breath and saw colorful butterflies hovering around the white flowers with the yellow hearts and the blood red roses. Suddenly the girl dissapeared and soon after the boy would return to the mortal realm as wel. This would not be their last encounter.

☆Somniabunt, the realm of dreams

"Mari where are you!" A ten year old boy with hair the color of raven's feathers yelled, his voice boomed through the purlple pine tree meadow. He knew she was there as her flowers were blooming in the grass, he noticed that they were hanging down, like old flowers in a vase on the dining room table. In the years he had known Mari, he never had seen her flowers apear in this shape. He followed the trail and found his friend sitting under a gray weeping willow tree. He frowned as he had never seen this tree before in this area. When he noticed the tears running down the red haired girl's face, Lorian ran towards her, he hugged his friend and rubbed her back with his tiny hands, like his mother always did when he was sad.

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