What Happens When Raihan Asks Piers How Things Are Going So Far

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— Sometime During The Events Where Piers Was Keeping An Eye On Sordward And Shielbert —

Raihan, Wondering How Things Have Been Going For Piers Ever Since Piers Agreed To Keep An Eye On Sordward And Shielbert: "So Piers, how's things been going with keeping an eye on those two 'royal' 'celebrity' pains known as Sordward and Shielbert?"

Piers, After Having Somehow Convinced Sordward And Shielbert To Change Their Attitude A Bit As Well As Make Them Have A More Decent Appearance: "Well, I've managed to get 'em to have a better attitude so far as well as convinced them to actually get a damn haircut for once. So, I'd say things are going pretty well so far."

Shielbert, Whom Was Still Devastated Over The Loss Of His 'Beautiful And Flawless' Shield Hairstyle And Was Genuinely On The Verge Of Possibly Crying Over The Loss Of His Hairstyle: "Y-You didn't have to make me and my older brother get haircuts... O-Our hairstyles weren't even that bad, r-right?..."

Sordward, Who Is Not Pleased About Having Gotten His Hair Cut Short While Piers Kept His Own Hair Long While Shielbert Was Still Greatly Devastated Over The Loss Of His 'Beautiful And Perfect' Hairstyle: "I still don't see how it's fair that you're allowed to keep your awful unstylish hair long for ten years yet you make us get a haircut. In what ways do you even consider that to be relatively fair?!"

Piers, Who Gives A Simple Shrug, Followed By A Slight Grin: "Unlike you two, I have an actual excuse for having the hairstyle I have. And unlike your previous hairstyles, my hair isn't awful and shaped like a literal sword and shield. Plus, since I'm a Rockstar, this hairstyle I have goes well with my dark aesthetic. But at least now, people no longer have to look at your awful choice in hairstyles. I mean seriously, who in their right mind would want an awful hairstyle like your original hairstyles??"

Sordward, Not Really Knowing How To Reply To That Statement, Knowing What Piers Said Was Likely True, Yet He Refused To Admit That He Thought Piers Was Right Yet Still Attempts To More Or Less Start An Argument With Piers To Prove His Point: "Tch. Whatever. This conversation doesn't matter anymore. Nor do me and my younger brother wish to have to waste anymore valuable time with you. You've worsened our lives as it is and we don't want to stay with you any longer."

Raihan, Feeling Ever So Slightly Awkward Now That It's Starting To Become A More Or Less Argument Between Piers And Sordward And Now Tries To Make An Excuse To Leave This Semi-Awkward Situation: "Y'know what? I think I'm just gonna go-
I completely forgot to uh, go update my social medias. We can just talk uh, later. Yeah, later. Cya."

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