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"HEY YOU DUMB IDIOT!!!!" One boy screamed as he kicked a small black figure who was curled up in a ball

"WHAT ARE YOU QUIRKLESS?!?!!?! Or are you just not smart enough to know how to use your quirk?!" The other boy Screamed/Asked

"I-I'm sorry that m-my c-c-Choice to not u-use my quirk h-has u-u-upset you" the small black figure managed to say. It was really the only thing she could muster up to say after one of the boys kicked her in the ribs


"Hey Dads!"Daiki said with a huge smile on his face.
Today was parent teacher conference day and usually when that happened it'd last for literal hours so Daiki and a few of his friends would go out and have fun, while their parents were doing.....whatever they do during that time

"Alright kid don't get to excited and have fun with your friend because there's a chance it could be the last time for two weeks if we don't get a good report" Shinsou said sending a chill down Daiki's spine

"Hey! Shinsou be nice don't stress him out and cause him to worry let him have a good time" denki said with playful glare

"Hm,we'll see" Shinsou said with joking tone.

Shinsou earned a laugh out of his husbands and son

"Alright I love you dads! See you later!" Daiki said with a smile.
He ran off before his parents could say anything and met with his friends,Haruki Jiro and Akihito Tokoyami

"Hey Guys!" Daiki said

"Hey mini-bolt" Akihito said with a sly smile and joking tone

"Don't call me Mini-bolt" Daiki said angrily.
Both Akihito and Daiki heard a laugh. They both looked over to see Haruki

"Hi Haru!" said Daiki

"Hello Akihito and Daiki" Haruki said with a small smile


All three of them heard the yell from a small dark ally right next to the school entrance where they were at.
They all ran over to the ally to see what was going on. When they got into the ally they saw the three biggest bullies in the school crowding around a dark figure, who was clearly a bit scared but hiding it well

"HEY LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Haruki yelled

"Ugh, you idiots....fine we'll go but you won't be this lucky next time you idiot!" One of the boy said as he kicked the dark figure roughly.
The figure coughed up blood as the bullying trio left laughing as they walked out of the ally.

"Hey are you ok?" Daiki asked as he got on one knee and leaned down to the black figure that was curled up in a ball and coughing up blood......

"I-i-I'm as go-o-od as I-I can-n be"the dark figure said as they lifted themselves up and laid against the wall.
When they set themselves against the wall their hoodie fell...revealing a girl with white hair with green, blonde and red streaks her was long, it stopped right below her chest and her streaks only appeared randomly in her waves that started right at the beginning of her ears, she had a red eye and the other was cover with a eye patch the shape of a spade, she had a few bruises on her face and her hand was over her ribs... the boys knew that they must of hurt her badly if she was coughing up blood

"I'm Daiki and this is Akrhito and Haruki" Daiki said as he offered a hand to the unknown girl

"I-I'm Ak-Akiri b-but yo-you c-ca-can cal-call me Ak" akiri said as she took Daiki's hand

"Well Ak, you look pretty beat up" Haruki said

"Haru is right about that, let's take her to one of our houses and fix her" Akihito said

"No....it's o-ok" Akiri said looking at them

"No! You're hurt! I'm calling my parents and telling them what happened and then we'll take you to my house, while I'm calling them, Haru Akihito try to help her stand." Daiki said.
Daiki left the alley and was waiting in at the entrance of the alley to make his call.

"Hey it's best if we help you walk. I bet you took a few rough hits" Haruki said as he offered his hand to akiri.

"A-are you su-sure I'm not a-a bot-bother?" Akiri Asked

"Of course your not. we had nothing planned and..... and a new person to tag along with us doesn't sound bad...." Akihito said

"O-ok" said Akiri.
Akiri took Haruki's hand. Akiri whimpered loudly as Haruki pulled her up onto her feet. Akihito took the sign and quickly grabbed Akiri's arm and wrapped it around himself to were it landed on his shoulder

"Thank you Akihito-kun" Akiri said with a small smile

"No problem Ak" Akihito said

"Alright I think Daiki is done with his call to his parents we can go now" Haruki said looking at the exit for the alley

"Alright let's go then" Akihito said walking slowly to keep up with akiri and help her walk.
They walked to Daiki's house within a few minutes and a lot f help for akiri to walk

"Alright I'll get the medical kit" Daiki said

"I'll get some wet cloths and Haruki can take Akiri to your room" Akihito said.
Haruki gave akiri a soft smile and took her from Akihito and positioned Akiri the same way Akihito did with Akiri's hand on his should.

"Alright just don't take to long" Haruki said with a joking tone.
Akihito and Daiki rolled their eyes and left to go get the things they needed.

"Well I know your not going to good with stairs soooo.." Haruki said

"It's ok I'll be alr— EK!" Akiri squealed in shock. Haruki and picked her up.

"Wow. Your really light" Haruki said with a shocked expression.
Akiri mumbles and hide her face in Haruki's chest out of embarrassment.
Haruki laughed and walked up the stairs.
After a few minutes they got to Daiki's room. Haruki set Akiri down and helped her onto Daiki's bed.

"So this is the most embarrassing thing I can ask....but do you have a shirt on under your hoodie?" Haruki Asked with blush clearly showing on his face.

"Oh yeah I do" akiri said.
Akiri took off her black hoodie to show her white tank top with small amounts of blood on it.

"Hey guys! We got the bandages and wet cloth" Daiki said, busting through the door.
Daiki, Akihito, and Haruki spent about thirty minutes to wrap Akiri's bruises and wipe off the blood.

"So why don't we get to know ya! Tell us about yourself!" Daiki said with a full out smile

"Well she doesn't know us much either" Akihito said

"Why don't we as her a question and all of us will answer" Haruki said

"Ok. I'll go with that" Akiri said.
All of them sat on the Daiki's bed.

"Alright what about our quirks" Akihito said

"Ok, I'll go first. I can sing a certain song and it will either, cause a lot of damage to the person I'm singing too, teleport someone to me, or let
Me see their past not matter if they remember or not" Haruki said

"Mine is I can take someone's quirk with the answer of any statement I make, but they can only have one quirk not two or more like the hero Shoto" Daiki said

"I have the same quirk as my dad Tsukuyomi expect mine is a frog" Akihito said

"I don't really like to talk about my quirks.....they....don't make me feel to happy...." Akiri said her smile almost dropped for the first time they saw her

"Well we know you have more than one!" Daiki said with a shout.

All of them laughed at Daiki pointed out the fact she said quirks.

They spent 2 hours talking and it popped up somewhere in the conversation that Akiri was an orphan but they didn't care and just continued on with their conversation they all had fun til Daiki got a text saying his parents would be home and akiri had to go back to the orphanage because of curfew they all exchanged phone numbers and left

Word count: 1406

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