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NOBODY WAS EXPECTING ANOTHER TEXT for at least a few days. but, this is love island, and it's their job to provide the unexpected. so when luke m's phone went off loudly in his pocket nobody really knew how to act.

he stood up from the beanbags, much to eden's dismay, and shouted the detested three words to the other islanders. "i've got a text!" everyone rolled their eyes and groaned, considering they thought it was just going to be a regular party. but it wasn't a surprise there would be a twist; there'd been so many so far that they weren't shocked one bit.

"literally, just fuck my life. something's finally going right after jess and i and then the producers send texts. they do this on purpose." luke m sighed.

they had all danced for a bit and had some drinks, and luke m had already taken his tie off and gently put it around eden's neck to pull her closer to him whilst they danced. with so many cocktails next to them it's quite possibly a miracle how they weren't drunk, however that could be due to the fact that each one had a burning feeling something was going to go down. especially since they had opened another bedroom as there were too many islanders to fit in one room.

"islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. the boys will choose who they want to couple up with and the two girls not picked will be vulnerable and one will be dumped from the island. #nogirlcode #getgraftingorgohome." he read out and looked at the girl beside him who had a nervous look on her face. this time he had the power to pick whoever he desired, whether that be jess or eden or even someone else who he felt deserved a chance to find love.

it was all up to him.

as well as eden, jess, leanne and sophie were also seemingly anxious as they were all single and weren't getting to know anyone. mike wasn't in a position to pick jess because they were barely friends after he dumped her and she still found him irritating, and of course sophie was his 'big sister' but he had feelings for leanne. there was really no way to tell how this was going to pan out.

"i don't want any of them to leave," luke t frowned when they split off into their separate groups. "they're all my best friends in here. i couldn't imagine it without them."

"it's gonna be a weird night."

it didn't take a prolonged amount of time for leanne and sophie to corner mike, luke m and nas, each saying they'd love to stay.

"but i'd never in a million years tell you to pick me over someone you potentially have a future with." leanne said. if nas' mind wasn't already completely fucked, it definitely was now he knew how badly his best friends wanted to stay. he and demi weren't official but it was going very, very well between them but he wasn't sure it was something he was willing to throw away one of his best friend's for.

mike tried to keep a poker face but on the inside he was smirking at how leanne was crawling back. she dumped him and now she wanted him back so she could stay in the villa and move on from him even more. there was no way he would pick her.

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