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 "It's Lauren, right?" Taylor asked before sitting next to the blonde girl on the stairs. Her brother was near Clarice, looking around at the mess that was made by everything. The blonde nodded her head. "What you did earlier with the portal and back in the warehouse? That was pretty impressive." She said offering the girl a smile.

"Thanks." Lauren said. "I just knew I had to do something."

"Yeah, I get that." Taylor spoke after a moment. "Knowing you have an ability and a way to stop something? I've been there before. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, because what you did helped save our ass." The blonde laughed slightly at that. "Look, just hang on. Your mom and Marcos should be back soon. If you need anything, let me know." She spoke, placing a gentle hand on the blonde's shoulder before standing up and heading over to John, who was standing over Clarice.

"You alright?" He asked reaching for her injured arm, pulling it up slightly as he rolled her sleeve up to examine it. "I saw you took a pretty heavy hit against that bar." She could feel the warmth of his fingers as it gently brushed over her bruised flesh. "You got some bruising and a cut along your arm. You should let me clean that for you." He offered, but she just pulled her arm back, and pulled her sleeve back down.

"I'm surprised you could see anything while you were getting hit by a freaking car, John." She said trying to sound like she was teasing, but she was worried about him. She knew he was strong, but still to have a car collide into him at that high impact had left her worried.

"I'm fine, Taylor." She knew that there was likely some truth to his words. If he wasn't healed by now, he would be soon. She was aware of his healing abilities and had seen him heal from things a lot worse than being hit by a car.

"Great, so am I." She watched as Andy and Lauren sat on the couch near Clarice, looking over at her. She could see other members of the Underground start to pick some of the chairs back up, trying to put everything back in order.

"So, who is she anyway?" Andy asked after a few minutes of silence.

"She's a refugee, escaped from jail." John started, explaining slightly.

"Jail?" Lauren questioned.

"We found her."

"What did she do?"

"She used a portal to steal food from the back of the supermarket. Happens a lot with mutants who can't for humans. They can't get jobs, one thing leads to another..." The sound of Clarice grunting filled the space as Taylor was on alert, looking over at the other girl wondering if it was going to happen once more. Just like before, she arched off the table the purple glow radiating from her hand.

"John—" Taylor warned, looking to see the new portal opening, with a new sight on the same road as before. Cops had gathered there now, clearly waiting for them.

"Hey, it's happening. Get everyone safe." John instructed Sonia, who started clearing everyone out of the way. John ran up to the portal, looking out it for a moment before looking at Lauren. "Lauren, you got this?" He questioned.

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