Chapter 1

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The day I woke up it started like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and an alarm was blaring Britney Spears in my ears. I woke up, yawned, and stretched before realizing that something was very... Wrong.... The blanket didn't feel like my blanket and the pillow was way softer then I remembered and the scent surrounding me was unfamiliar and yet strangely familiar. Like when you enter a store for the first time in years, but you never knew where the smell came from.

My eyes snapped open only to be bombarded with an eye-bleeding amount of pure, unadulterated PINK! I screamed loudly in shock and terror, my throat wanting to tear itself out. I leapt out of the bed and stumbled back against the wall, a mirror to my right caught my eye and the second I looked into my reflection I screamed again. That is NOT me. My hair wasn't this light brown wavy mess and my eyes weren't these crystal clear blue- wow it looks pretty... ANYWAY and I was not, in any way, skinny! The door to the room I was in swung open and a worried couple stepped like they were expecting to find a murder scene.

"Jessica, are you okay?" The woman asked. I stared wide eyed in terror at the unfamiliar woman, the man came and stood next to her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Must have been a nightmare. Look Jess, you're 12-years-old now, no more screaming like that after just waking up, we know your brother does it but that's because he is only 4-years-old."

I was suddenly hit with a boat load of information that caused unbelievable pressure to my head. These were my parents and my little brother they were talking about was Maximus... But.... I'm not 12, I'm 21! I have 3 younger brothers not one... and ... I was in a happy relationship, and my son had just turned one year old...

It is possible that... all of that was a dream...? But for some reason, I feel different.

"Sorry Daddy." I said softly, looking back at my reflection. This was something to get used to.


I blinked my tired blue eyes open. I stared up at the pale purple ceiling of my bedroom. The birds were unusually loud today.

Sitting up, I rubbed my head. My hair had darkened as I got older. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up slowly, stretching my arms above my head before I stood up from my bed after throwing back the covers. I made my way to the small white dresser in the corner of the room next to my closet. I pulled out a change of underwear and matching bra and a pair of form fitting jeans. Next was to pull my favorite frilly purple top. I thought about a book from my past life/dream self, and how I shared a name with the minor character, but it was a dream and there is no way that I am that person! Yeah! No way! I quickly got dressed before going over to my desk with a small mirror sitting on it. I stared at my reflection and smiled. I like this face of mine, much better than the one from before and easier to manage with routine washing. I run a brush through my loose curls and once that was taken care of I stood up and grabbed a pair of lavender socks and pulled them up before sliding on my favorite dark purple converse.

As I was just getting ready to leave my room, rapid pounding on the door startled me.

"Jessie! Hurry up! It's your first day of your 10th grade year!" My little brother's voice screamed through the wood. I swear he was more excited about it then I was.

I rolled my eyes. This is getting ridiculous. At least in this life I'll actually finish high school. "I'm coming Max, shut your trap!" I swung the door open hard enough to have him fall into my room. His dark brown hair fell into his bright green eyes as he looked up at me from my floor.

"Morning!" He grinned widely, causing me to roll my eyes once more. I loved this kid, don't get me wrong, but seriously, he can be annoying. I guess that's just the curse of little brothers.

It had to be JessicaWhere stories live. Discover now