Chapter One: A Quiet Summer.

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"What do you want to be when you grow up?" She turned her head to see the boy, laying beside her. 

"I don't know," He looked at her as well, eyebrows up in surprise.

"I want to be an explorer," The girl smiled, "I could send postcards to my mother and uncles, learn about the wizards around the world, the magical creatures..."

"Sounds brilliant," His eyes wandered to the ceiling. He smiled, "make sure to send postcards to me as well"

"Oh," Mel blushed, "I thought- I thought you'd like to go with me?"

"Oh," Harry turned back to her, taken by surprise, "I-"

"It's alright," She sat up, hiding her face so he couldn't see her embarrassment, "forget what I said, it was silly-"

"No-" Harry straightened up in the bed as well, shifting so now his back was against the wall, "W-We could take Hedwig- it'd be easier to send letters and all..."

She stayed silent long enough to make sure he wasn't joking.

"I...I could take my camera?" Mel offered timidly, "I hope I know how to use it by then, cause these few weeks have been a total disaster..."

"You've had it for two weeks only, you'll learn," the boy said, "you could ask Colin once we're back at school about the potion to make them move"

"I could pay for his services with a whole stack of pictures I took of you during my birthday, you looked lovely with all that cake on your face-"

"Shut up," He laughed.

"Are you two doing your homework?" Her mother asked loudly from downstairs.

Mel and Harry shared a look.

"Almost done!" Mel yelled back, holding her laughter.

She passed him a set of books and he laid them on the bed. Mel pulled out parchment, ink and two quills from her drawer, ready to work.

"My parents had the same plans, about traveling," She continued while he searched for the chapter they were supposed to be reading, "they'd thousands of plans, all set after the war- ending the war was first- their friends were supposed to join them too... friends from school, I think- but..." She shrugged.

"Has Emily ever talked about them?" Harry asked in curiosity, "About her friends? She must've been the same age as my parents"

"Never said much," Mel sighed, "I didn't want to insist, she barely talks about my dad so... I don't mean to sound ungrateful-"

"You're not," He assured her.

"Thanks," She smiled lightly, "I just... we could've had all that, Glasses. The adventures, the big families... I try  not to think about it a lot, but sometimes is hard"

"What happened to them?" Harry inquired, "Did they..?"

"She's never told me. I think they died, even if they didn't it, it's almost like they don't exist anymore. Either way, my uncle still lives and we love him dearly"

Harry nodded, though he seemed worried about something. Thirty minutes passed without them talking before he dared to speak again.

"Do you think that'll happen to us?"

"That we'll have to pretend we're dead?" Mel grinned, "Sounds rather unlikely..." 

"You know what I'm talking about."

"No," She answered with honesty, "We're different, you and I. So are Ron and Hermione- I believe we'll be fine, although it could feel a bit difficult at some point when we grow up."

Written In The Stars III -[Harry Potter xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now