part 7: confruntation

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Shanks, Stabitha, and Ember stood on the sand of the beack in New York, staring out over the ocean. Over the curvature of the earth, they could only see the Pope Francis's funny hat, but he was getting closer. The sea level rose much high up than usual becuse he was so big so the water had to move, probably.

After a few more hours Piop Fancis was much visabler now. He was not walking in the water, but he parted the sea like how Jesus did in the Bible. Behind him marched an army of vampires , hungery for blood.

On the beach there only stood 3 figures: shanks, stabiltha, and Ember. 4 if you count the seagul flying around them.

Eventually the pope got so close the ground was shaking. The 3 got their weapons and prepared for battle. Poop Francis was only 100 feet away and with a wave of his arms he sent the remaining water flying at them like the big wave in Flushed away. The three were swept off their feet and the army of vampries charged at them.

Suddenly a small plane flew overhead. Ember watched as a blur of color shot up from the vampire army and hit the plane hard, sending it crashing onto the vampire platoons. They started screaming "OH NO HOLY WATER"! It had been a holy water shipment to the Vatican and it crashdd onto like half the vampires! Ember knew the blur was mary, because as she was flying she also blew a kiss to ember.

Now there were only like 100 vampires left and also the giant pope vampire. "Excellwnt" ember said as the charged the pope. Before he could move his huge meaty body, ember cut both of his tendon with her new Garlic Katana on tbe back of his heels, bringing him too his knees. He screamed super loud and ember ran up to his head. "This is for alistair, bitch!" She yelled as she drove the katana into his toungue. He screamed again and flung Ember around as he shook his head. Ember lost her grip and flew off, into the sea. The Pope grabbed the katana out of his mout and threw it as far as he threw alistair.

"Sinner!" He cried as he crawled towards ember. He parted the sea in a circle around her, so she was trapped. She tried to swim out, but there was also sharks in thr water so she didnt. The pope closed himself into the circle with her and crawled toward her. "You.... will.... BURN!!!!"

"Not if I can help it!" Said a voice above them. It was Mary! She had cought the katana midair and flew back here.

"No!" The pope yelled "your one of us!"

"No im not im an ATHIEST!!!" She yelled as the plunged the blade into the pope's eyeball! He screamed and fell over, dead. His enourmous vampire soul flew up and out of sight. The ocean came flooding back into the circle, so the two women rode sharks back to land.

As tgey approached tehy heard quiet mumbling' "shanks?? Shanks!???"

As tgey got closer they saw a horrible sight. Shanks was on the ground, his organs hanging out of his stomach. He had been disembowelled by a vampire. Mary turned around and threw up. Ember stared in shock at her old friend. Stabitha was still trying to get him to respond to her "shanks?? Sha...Thomas?"

Shanks opened his eyes, his breathing shallow.  "Its me, Tabitha," his sister said, stroking his hair. Ember slowly approached.

Shanks was wheezing and blood was still pooring out of him. He did not have long to live. "Its me, Ember," she said as she approached the dying boy.

He grunted "Tab.. promise to get off drugs and live a good life for me.." tabitha nodded and tears fel from her brown orbs. "Ember... my dear friend... please dont trust alistair. He only wants to hurt you." He chocked and coughed up blood. "I love you guys... marvey... here i .... come.......... 😵"

The two girl looked at him in shock. He had just died. Mary was still at the ocean puking so she didnt know he died yet. Embers heart felt hevy as she looked at her old friend. She closed his eyes and left Stabitha to greieve alone. She approached mary.

"Is he.....???" Ember nodded. Yes. Mary wipped the puke from her mouth and turned to ember.

"I know you were much closer to him than me so i know you must be feeling heart broken. Im sorry for your loss and im sorry im being weak right now. Im trying to support you emotionally but that was also kind of traumatic for me----"

She was cut off by a huge earthquake. The sky slip open as thunder and lightening decended upon them.

They looked up to see someone -- no, some THING was decending....

It was alistair.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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