Tom's Inner Circle

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"Harry, these are Abraxas Malfoy, Phillip Lestrange, and Roland Avery."

Harry stood calmly at Tom's side, his eyes resting on the faces of Tom's followers. He didn't have his wand out, which Roland did, because nothing Tom had done had managed to cure the git of his paranoia. He didn't have a hostile, burning sideways glance, the way Philip did. He didn't have Abraxas's completely blank expression.

And yet even a fool wouldn't have mistaken Harry for anything but the most trusted and competent of them. Tom was glad that he hadn't chosen fools to follow him.

"Pleasure to meet you," Harry said quietly. He had his hands linked together behind his back now. He actually stepped away from Tom as if he was going to take one of the back ring of chairs against the wall, waiting for the others who would be summoned later. Tom shook his head and grabbed the nape of Harry's neck.

Harry's eyelashes fluttered before he could stop himself, apparently, since he glared at Tom a moment later. Tom smiled and drew Harry back to his side.

Yes, that was jealousy on Abraxas's face. Not that he'd thought he had a romantic chance with Tom, but he had thought he was closest, the one Tom would choose if he had to prefer someone above his other followers. Tom wasn't all that sorry to disappoint him.

"Gentlemen," Tom said, collecting their attention at once. He didn't raise his voice. He never did when talking to political allies or friends. It was only fitting that they should have to listen harder to him. "Harry has come with me through the portal to find his cousin. She was the one who passed through it a few days ago."

"Do you know what happened to her?" Harry asked instantly.

Philip flicked an eyebrow at him. "No idea. We know someone came through because I was watching the portal at the time, but I don't know what Dumbledore's men did with her. I heard a discussion that didn't seem hostile. Then they Apparated somewhere."

Harry firmed his jaw. Tom adored that look, but he did wish it was for him, even a mistake that he'd made, rather than bloody Jonquil. "We'll find her."

"Yes, we will," Tom said, drawing his followers' attention back to himself. "Now. I would like you to consider the most important news that happened during the weeks I was gone. I want you to tell it to me in chronological order when you've finished considering."

He leaned back in his chair. Harry took the one next to him at a pointed look, but he still seemed as if he'd rather be back in the shadows, or out the door searching for Jonquil. Tom rested his hand on Harry's arm. He felt the restless heat shimmering there, like a captured fire.

"We will find her," Tom said, and Harry glanced at him and finally relaxed completely, shutting his eyes and tilting his head back.

Tom turned back to his followers and nearly laughed aloud. They were staring at him with open mouths. Tom let his own eyebrows creep up, and got instant shutting of mouths and focus that he liked.

"Dumbledore also went through the portal thanks to a blood sacrifice," Tom said. "We somewhat inconvenienced him in Harry's world, such as that he can't come back here for a month." He didn't intend to tell them exactly how Dumbledore had been inconvenienced, since they then might despise Harry for not having that level of power anymore. "We may, however, have less or more than a month, given the flow of time on different sides of the door. We need to move fast."

"Yes, my lord," Abraxas said, inclining his head. "What do you intend to do to take advantage of Dumbledore's absence?"

"Release our blackmail."

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