Chapter 6

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niall walked into school and was going to his classroom he got his homework and all of his things and went to his desk.When the teacher walked in he noticed something the teacher wasn’t mrs.wakefield so niall raised his hand but he still couldn’t talk so he signed he thought nothing of it.


MC: um I am mrs. Collins I will be your teacher today Yes little boy with blond hair

Niall stood up and signed where is are Mrs. Wakefield

MC: speak come up here boy

Niall walked up nervously and then she started to ask him questions

MC: what is your full name

N: niall james horan Tomlinson

MC: how old are you

N: 5

MC: who are your parents and where did you come from

N: I came from Ireland and my daddy is Louis Tomlinson and I don’t have a mummy

MC: answer me boy tell me speak

N: I cant

The teacher hits niall twice in the face so his nose is bleeding and then she yells at him to go to the principals office and niall just runs out of there as fast as he can. Once niall got in to the office he looked at the secretary and she knew that niall needed to see the principal

S: principal leeman someone is here to see you

P: alright send them in

Niall walked in and the principal told him to sit down

P: niall why are you here and not in class

N: she sent me here mrs.collins she told me to come up to the front so I did then she asked me questions and I answered them but then she hit me in the face and told me to come here

P: niall lets go get you cleaned up and I will see what I can do

The principal got niall all cleaned up then they headed off to nialls classroom. The principal knocked on the door and niall hid behind him

MC: why are you here twit I told you to go to the office and stay  there and why principal what are you doing by the class rooms this morning

P: I was told by niall here you hit him because he didn’t talk

MC: now mr.leeman  he did not answer my questions watch he wont answer what is your full name

N: niall james horan Tomlinson

P: he just answered

MC: really all he is doing is moving his hands

P: he is anwering in his own way so there is no reason for violence

MC: I cant understand him

P: he said niall james horan Tomlinson and I think you need to go away from the school

MC: who is going to teach then

P: I will get a counsler to do it its kindergarden they are learning to add now so go

MC: bye then bye twit

P: niall come with me um mrs J would you watch that class for me please

N: where are we going

P: niall I want you to go to the counclers office she will talk to you and you can talk to her alright you don’t have to be scared.

N: alright

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