Twenty two

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Aimee sighed to herself as she sat in her classroom. She was feeling rotten ever since she had the abortion especially when Simon didn't know. She was still hurt over how he had cheated on her but she knew that Part of her wanted him back. Aimee sighed to herself as she looked to the pile of marking that she had to do. Aimee stood from her desk as she walked out of her classroom and walked down the hall as she saw Simon. They made eye contact for a moment as Hannah stood behind Aimee and smiled as she looked to her best friend "I know what your thinking and it's a terrible ideas, aims. You can't go there with him again. He doesn't even know over what you did last week" Hannah said as Aimee looked to her and sighed "I know, my head is a mess Han. But I know that even if he has hurt me and broke my heart that I love him still" Aimee said

"I know, that you do love him but it's going to be okay. You can't let him break your heart again" Hannah said as Aimee nodded. Aimee sighed to herself as she walked towards the canteen. She grabbed some chocolate from the vending machine and sighed. She saw Simon as he walked over to her and smiled "we need to talk" he said as Aimee turned to face him and sighed "I don't think that we have anything to say to each other" Aimee said as he handed her a bar of chocolate and smiled "I made a mistake, but I do want you back. Don't you want me?" He asked as she took the chocolate from him and smiled "I have let everyone down si, I just can't do this" she said as he frowned "you, Aimee Bennett are the love of my life and you have let no one down"


Aimee stood in the staffroom and smiled as she saw Hannah and max and how they looked so loved up. She knew that she felt lonely. She felt as if she was never going to get over him. Aimee walked out of the room and sighed. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She felt sick knowing how she had aborted their baby and he didn't even know that she was pregnant. Aimee walked to simons office and walked in, she looked to him and smiled as she closed the door "I know your keeping something from me, you can talk to me" he said as she looked to him and smiled "I don't know if I can trust you not to break my heart again" she said

"Let me try" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and leant in and kissed her. Aimee wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as they kissed passionately as he pulled her close as she wrapped her legs around his waist but could Aimee and Simon give it a second go especially when Aimee was hiding the abortion from him.

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