Arc 2.6 - Grayson Hale

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Is it strange that I slept at 5 AM and woke up and 9 AM completely rejuvenated and not being able to go back to sleep again? 🤔

I'm so fucking boreddd! No one is updating the stories I love, there's nothing else interesting to read... all I can do is pump out this shitty ass chapter and hope that it's up to people standers...

Almost all the students had went after the teacher and student, leaving only Grayson and this other girl being the only ones inside the classroom.

Grayson couldn't help but chuckle at how this period went from 0 to 100 real quick. He stood up, slinging on his backpack around his shoulder and slowly began to put Adrian's stuff into Adrian's backpack. Zipping it up, he brought it with him as walked towards the door with his white cane. But he stopped when he heard a clear but super quiet voice calling out to him.


The girl became quiet for a few moments before clearing her throat and asking whether he would mind if she walked with him to see what's happening down at the principals office.

Grayson smirked and agreed. She quickly wrapped up her stuff and shoved it in her backpack then hurriedly reached where Grayson was standing.

They both walked towards the direction that the other students had gone to while conversing with each other.

"My name's Valeria Ruiz, I sit next to you on your left at the back row..."

"Oh really? Nice to meet you Valeria, I'm Grayson Monroe." He reached his hand out to Valeria's direction. She looked at it blankly for a few seconds before severely blushing and quickly taking a hold of the hand and shaking it before Grayson could think about pulling away.

Grayson grasped her personality not long into their conversation and the from the sound of how she walks, he figured she's the quiet and socially awkward type but very nice and easy going when you get to know her. Grayson also had an inkling impression that she had a crush on the original Grayson.

They had finally reached the hallway where the principals office was. Several sounds of yelling from inside the office could be audible to even those outside. The students were all crowded around the door trying to stay silent and listen to the absurd lies that were spewing out of the old fart's mouth.

"He had the audacity to lecture ME on how to teach MY students! He even made things physical and grabbed my arm! Look! Look at the bruises forming! LOOK!" Inside the office, Mr. Lee was exaggerating on what had happened. He even pulled up his sleeve and showed off the nonexistent bruises. This bastard was pathetically trying to turn the tables.

"Okay, Mr. Lee. Settle down now. Adrian, please tell me what happened."

"What? Principal Rayees I've already told you the story, you shouldn't bother with this delinquent and just figure out what his punish-"

"Mr. Lee, was I talking to you?" The old fart was interrupted by the cold and domineering voice of principal Rayees.

"...But I-I..." He tactfully decided to shut his mouth as he was intimidated by the principal's steady eyes directed at him. He then decided to glare at the boy sitting on the leather looking as if he could give two shits about the situation with his laid back and relaxed posture.

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