On Agnostics and Athiests

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  • Dedicated to The White Rose Society

What defines nothing? This question has been asked many times before, but it seems "nothing" has been the answer (as in silence). A better question is to ask, what defines something? counter question, what is that something? The answer would of course be, for quick conversation, the stuff in your room. Of course meaning all the matter around you, the computer you are looking at, the keyboard which you are about to type with, creating slander on how my "works" have nothing to do with Agnostics or Athiest at all, trying to dodge the facts that are about to be laid before you. Your answer to the second overall question should be mass, weight/volume, and pure research. Each thing you test in your mind within a fraction of a second in your inner depths of your mind assures you that it is not only what you believe it is, but also that is apart of matter, therefore it is fact. By pure research you have just assured yourself that the things around you, without a single test in a lab or a mind examination, are real. So based on your pure research I go back to my base question, what defines nothing? Nothing should be your reply. One problem with that answer my dear friends, Nothing, by mathematical definition is I/0. Most of you will then cry "but what about science?" My answer to that, 1.Science is not defined by a single definition, it is problem solving for every question the mind can create, without bias, an does not have the ability to define something that is not connected to anything we have answered through science, 2. Nothing is described as infinity/0, or, in english, Nothing can't exist. Going off to the science part of my explanation, that it does not have the ability to define something that is not connected to anything we have already answered. That definition already defeats the point of the A (meaning without) in Thiest (meaning God). The entire base argument for it is that the world is without God based off of scientific research, there for God is Nothing, but since nothing is described as infinity/0 the atheistargument is an oxymoron at best. Let me explain in visual.

Argument: God is (Nothing[nonexistiant]= i/0)=(i/0=Nothing[nonexistiant])

= God is (Nothing[nonexistiant]/Nothing[nonexistiant])=((i/0)x0/i)

= God is 1=1

(1=1 means correct by coexistant terms theory, in atomic theory this means positive or real particle)

This also calls into question Agnostics view. A (means without) Gnostic (means knowing). I will look into this futher with updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2012 ⏰

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